That made for another unsettling thought, though; stories all had endingsand she was beginning to feel as if the ending to this one was already written.
As if she had no choice in where she was going, or how she was going to get there; as if everyone knew what her goal was except her.
'Destiny' was one word she had always hated-and now it looked as if it was the one word that applied to her.
And she didn't like the feeling one bit.
*Chapter Eight DARKWIND
'Stupid,' said Vree, with profound disapproval.
Darkwind's stomach lurched as Vree made another swooping dive-not quite a stoop-skimming through the pocket valley that held the trapped dyheli bucks.
There were times when the gyre's viewpoint was a little-unsettling.
The gyre wheeled above the dyheli herd, just above the highest level of the mist, giving Darkwind the loan of his keener eyes and the advantage of wings and height. 'Stupid, stupid. We should go.' Not that Darkwind needed a bird, even a bondbird, to tell him that.
The gentle dyheli huddled together in an exhausted, witless knot, too spent by panic to do anything sensible.
Through the gyre's eyes he looked for anything that might pass as a track out of the valley-and found nothing. The spring dropped from a height five times that of the dyheli to the valley floor, down a sheer rock face. The other two sides of the valley were just as sheer, and sandstone to boot.
Nothing short of a miracle was going to get them out of there.
Vree's right. We should go. I can't risk all of k'sheyna for the sake of a dozen dyheli. I made pledges, I have greater responsibilities.
So why was he here, lying under the cover of a bush, just above the mist-choked passage out of the dead- end valley, searching through his bondbird's eyes for a way out for the tiny herd? Why was he wasting his time, leaving his section of the border unpatrolled, tearing up his insides with his own helplessness?
Because I'm stupid.
One of the bucks raised a sweat-streaked head to utter a heartbreaking cry of despair. His gut twisted a little more.
And because I can't stand to see them suffering like that. they're fellow creatures, as intelligent as we are. they looked to Dawnfire for protection and help, even if they did range outside our boundaries. they acted as her eyes and ears out here. I can't just abandon them now.
Which was, no doubt, exactly the way Dawnfire felt. There was no difference in what he was doing now, and what she wanted to do.
Except that I'm a little older, a little more experienced. But just as headstrong and stupid.
The mist-whatever it was-rose and fell with an uneasy, wave-like motion, and wherever it lapped up on the rock wall, it left brown and withered vegetation when it receded. And it took quite a bit to kill those tough little rock-plants. So the mist was deadly to the touch as well as deadly to breathe. There was no point in trying to calm the dyheli enough to get them to hold their breath and make a dash for freedom... they'd never survive being in the mist for as long as it would take them to blunder through.
As if to underscore that observation, the mist lapped a little higher just below his hiding place. A wisp of it eddied up, and he got a faint whiff of something that burned his mouth and throat and made his eyes water. He coughed it out as the mist ebbed again.
Poisonous and caustic. First, burns to madden them further, then the poison.
They're horribly susceptible to poisons; they'd probably get fatal doses just through skin contact, through the area of the burn.
No, no hope there.