otherwise stated.) aqua geographia (Italy) (quarterly).
Aqualog News (Germany) (bi-monthly).
Aquarist and Pondkeeper (UK).
Aquarium Fish Monthly (USA).
Aquarium Sciences and Conservation (International) (quarterly).
Cichlid News (USA) (quarterly).
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (FAMA) (USA).
Practical Fishkeeping (UK).
Tropical Fish Hobbyist (USA).
Several companies and individuals deal with specialist, second-hand, and antiquarian tides. Some advertise their services in the aquarium magazines. Here are just a few:
Aquatic Promotions Inc. PO Box 522842, Miami, Florida, FL 33152. Tel/Fax +01-305-593-0088.
Gary Bagnall, Bookseller. 310 McMilan Road, San Luis Obispo, CA 93041. Cichlid Press, 417 Val Piano Drive, El Paso, Texas, TX 79912. E-mail: [email protected]; website: http:// www.cichlidpress.com (Own specialist cichlid publications only).
Finley Aquatic Books, 150 North Road, Pascoag, RI 02859. Email: [email protected] Raymond M. Sutton, Jr. Fish Books. PO Box 330, Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769. The Fish Factory, 676 Mississinewa Road, Chesterton, IN 46304. Tel/fax: 219 929 9575. E-mail: [email protected]
Animal House (UK), QBM Business Park, Gelderd Rd., Birsta U, Batley, West Yorkshire. Tel. +44 1924 479946; Fax. +44 1924 444854. E-mail: [email protected] (Mail order and shop, good selection of up-to-date, good-quality, hobby books.)
Cichlid Press (UK), 1, Copper Oak, East Village, Crediton, Devon, EX17 4DW Tel/Fax +44 1363 866509. E- mail: [email protected]; website: http://www.cichlidpress.com (Mail order cichlid books/videos and Back to Nature series; subscriptions to aqua geographia and Cichlid News; free advice on obtaining other book/magazine rides.)
Steven Simpson Natural History Books, Rising Sun, Kelsale, Saxmundham IP 17 2QY. Tel. +44 1728 604777; Fax. +44 1728 604555. (Specialists in new/second hand/antiquarian fish books.)