The guardsman, and the lady, and the maiden,
and the dog,
Three things know a secret-first, the lady in a
The dog that barks no warning and the maid who
does not scream.
Then off the lady pulls her cloak, in armor she
is clad,
Her sword is out and ready, and her eyes are fierce and glad.
The maiden gestures briefly and the dog's a cur no more --
A wolf, sword-maid and sorceress now face the bandit corps!
Three things never anger or you will not live for
A wolf with cubs, a man with power and a wom-an's sense of wrong.
The bandits growl a challenge and the lady only
The sorceress bows mockingly, and then the fight
When it ends there are but four left standing
from that horde
The witch, the wolf, the traitor, and the woman
with the sword!
Three things never trust in, the maiden sworn
as 'pure,'
The vows a king has given and the ambush that
is 'sure.
They strip the traitor naked and they whip him
on his way
Into the barren hillsides like the folks he used
to slay.
They take a thorough vengeance for the women
he cut down
And then they mount their horses and they jour-ney back to town.
Three things trust and cherish well, the horse
on which you ride,
The beast that guards and watches and the sis-ter at your side!
For further information on these songs, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to:
(formerly Off-Centaur Publications)
PO Box 424
El Cerrito, CA 94550