She’ll be his partner, just like alwaysNow that’s interesting. She really wasn’t suitedor trainedto be his partner when all he was doing was speaking for the kestra’chem. But as the full administrator? Oh, they’ll handle that job together like two trained horses in harness!

“Winterhart would probably enjoy sharing the administrative things out with me,” Amberdrake mused aloud, in an unconscious echo of Skandranon’s thoughts. “She’d been wasting her talents, really, until we got here. She was trained to rule, not only a household, but a full estate with a substantial number of retainers. It would be a shame to let that kind of training and skill go to waste.”

“You’re going to do it, then.” Skan could hardly conceal his glee.

Amberdrake gave him a wry smile. “Sounds as though I’ve talked myself into it, haven’t I? Well—yes. We will do it. Provided we don’t make total fools of ourselves, setting things up here.”

“Good!” Skan settled back to watch Makke pack with a much lighter heart. Everything was settled—and exactly as he wanted!

And now he would be able to get back to doing what he did best—being the Black Gryphon, and all that entailed!

I won’t be stagnating, either. We’ll have to figure out how to work with the Haighlei forces; we have no idea what may be coming down out of the north. We gryphons really should put some thought into organizing ourselves in some way

He gryphon-grinned at Amberdrake, and the kestra’chern’s wry smile softened into a real one.

And Skandranon Rashkae sat back on his haunches and pulled himself straight up in a deliberately statuesque pose against the sunlit sky, content with himself and the world. Life was good.

And his heart had never been quite so full of light.

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