Changechild? I have heard that k'treva is less forgiving of such creatures than we.'

'If that is a trait of his Clan, he does not share it,' Wintermoon said, a hint of speculation in his voice. 'He did not even seem particularly startled, although if he viewed us from afar with the eyes of his bondbird, he would have known what she was long before we rode through the Veil.'

'And now he speaks with her.' Darkwind ran a hand through his hair. 'It is not what I would have expected of him.'

'Well, he's reserving judgment, boy,' said a harsh mind-voice. 'He isn't terribly happy about having Falconsbane's daughter in his lap, but he thinks that he has some foolproof ways of telling if she's an enemy plant.' A snort of laughter..As if I would leave any of the bastard's hooks in her!' Darkwind belatedly recognized the voice of the sword. 'I think you fully capable, warlady,' he said carefully. 'Let me ask you this; is she ready to face her father?' Alone? Hellfires, no. Not in a century. there's only so much I can do with the raw material. Only so much I can do. I'm no great Adept, just a magesmith: The sword sounded surprisingly-humble? Darkwind found the changes in Need as interesting as the changes in Nyara. 'I'll promise you this, though; give that girl proper backing, and she'll defy her father. though she hasn't quite figured it out yet, she's not his frightened slave anymore.' That was good news; the first of the day.

'Unless you have something planned-' Wintermoon began. Firesong stopped, turned, and interrupted him.

'I think,' the young Adept said, pitching his voice so that they all heard him clearly, 'It is time to call a Council.'

*Chapter Twenty - Iceshadow

it was a strange conference, held in a clearing below Firesong's borrowed ekele. Firesong's hertasi scrambled to bring food and drink for the participants, some of whom, like Firesong himself, Darkwind, and Elspeth, had not eaten for some time. Food had not seemed particularly important to Darkwind, but of course to the hertasi, it was a source of much disapproval that they had neglected themselves. The lizards hovered all over them, but paid particular attention to Firesong. There were, predictably, twice as many hertasi attending him as anyone else.

The conference was also a small one; Iceshadow, representing the Elders and mages, Darkwind, Firesong, Wintermoon for the scouts, Nyara, the blade Need. Kethra sent her regrets that she could not attend; she would not leave Starblade's bed. Elspeth had been reluctant to join in it, but at Firesong's urging, she too took her place in the circle. Skif presented himself at Nyara's side and would not be moved, and Darkwind urged the Companions to take places beside their Heralds as well.

The conference was interrupted immediately by yet another visitor, reminding them all that there was more at stake than just the Vale.

The kyree bounded into the group and planted himself right next to Nyara without even asking for permission. Darkwind recognized Rris immediately, by the jaunty tilt of his head and his alert eyes and ears.

Firesong was somewhat taken aback by the kyree's brashness, and Darkwind was so amused to see his reaction that he insisted that Rris be allowed to speak.

'I am sent from Treyvan and Hydona,' the kyree said, holding his head up and refusing to be intimidated by Firesong's measuring glances.

'those are the gryphons, young cub,' he said then, with a kindly, patronizing tone to his mind-voice, turning to give Firesong a measuring glance of his own. 'They are the allies of this Vale, and they wish to know what has happened. Beyond the obvious, that is-the action of Mornelithe Falconsbane and the death of the shaman.' Darkwind hid his smile behind a cough. He himself had taken the time to send a message to the gryphons, but Rris had obviously been coached. And he had a shrewd idea by whom.

'They wish to know what you intend to do.' Rris continued blithely.

'They have taken steps; they have fortified their lair, which lies near to the node in the ruins. They have shielded that node, so that no one may use it but themselves. And they have found the old, buried Gate and have shielded it, so that Falconsbane may not use it to return. But they must know what their allies intend as well. And they wish the council to know that, with the sword Need, they vouch for the Changechild Nyara; that they feel she is trustworthy, for they have been aware of her movements and actions since she left their lair.' He lay down then, obviously very pleased with himself. Darkwind knew why; he had delivered Treyvan's message word for word with the proper tone, and no one had interrupted him. Darkwind hoped that Firesong was reading that pleasure as a taste of Rris' own self-conceit.

Young cub. I thought he was going to lose those eyebrows up into his hair.

But there was at least one surprise in all of that for him, as well; the gryphons had known where Nyara was and what she was doing. And they vouched for her.

Firesong might have lost the initial control of the council, but he regained it as soon as he stood up to speak.

'I have been lacking in forethought,' he said, quietly. 'I have not thought that Mornelithe Falconsbane could still be a danger, if he even lived. That was an error, and one that has cost a precious life. Perhaps two; I do not know if the one called Dawnfire also perished with Tre'valen. I think it is time that we deal with both our problems in a coordinated fashion. Our first problem is the Heartstone, for until we remove it as a threat, Falconsbane can use it against us, as he nearly did earlier. Then we must deal with Falconsbane himself.' He looked around the circle, and got nods of agreement from everyone.' To that end let each of us say what he knows, both of what happened this day, and what in the past may have been involved. Never mind that it has all been said before; there are going to be some of us that have not heard all the tale from all the participants.'

He began, with his perception of the attack. The various stories took some time to complete, but in the end, even Darkwind was satisfied.

Some of the pieces were beginning to make a whole.

'Now that we have built the proper picture, I see two different needs that must be addressed at the same time.' Firesong shifted restlessly from foot to foot. 'I know what must be done with the Stone, and those of you who are to help me should hear of this now, so that there is no more mystery. But what we are to do about Falconsbane, I do not know.

I think that I would be of little aid there, for I am not well-versed in combative magics. I am not versed in

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