With none, we will fall flat on our faces.

'I asked Father Ruthvere to call some of you here on my behalf,' he said slowly, allowing his eyes to travel over the entire group assembled below. 'Some of you are friends or patrons of Freehold. Some are simply merchants and workers; all of you are people of good will and open minds. I ask you all to open your minds a little further, for I have a message that may shock you. There is an enemy of all of us, human and nonhuman, working in this city, and he is working to enslave us.'

He waited for a moment for them to take that in, then continued. 'Our enemy is skilled, cunning and devious; our enemy's weapons are clever. The chief of them is fear. He spreads rumors to increase that fear and divide us, each rumor carefully calculated to prey upon the things that we all fear most.'

He looked directly into the eyes of a clutch of human manufactory workers. 'Fear of poverty,' he said to them. 'Fear of failure. Fear of a future full of uncertainty.' And he knew that he had struck home when he saw their eyes widen.

He turned toward a group of families, human and not, who lived near the Chapel. 'The terrible fears that all parents of whatever race have for their children.' This bolt too struck the heart, as the hands of fathers tightened on their children's shoulders_mothers' arms closed protectively around their babies.

He swept his gaze over them all. 'These fears divide us, each from the other,' he told them. 'They make us fear each other and keep us from talking to each other. Let me tell you who are human what rumors have been circulating among our homes and workplaces.'

He told them about the Law of Degree, about the other rumors flying wildly among the nonhuman communities. He added some he had heard elsewhere_how a demon-worshiping human sect had sprung up, whose initiates must murder and eat a nonhuman child, and how the humans were planning to descend on the homes and workplaces of nonhumans on a particular night to burn and pillage them, killing adults and making children into pets and slaves. He added the rumors of drugs in the water supply that would kill or incapacitate nonhumans but were harmless to humans, and the stories that there were those within the Church who planned to declare all nonhumans to be demons or descended of demons.

He saw by the startled looks among the humans that they had heard nothing of these tales_and as he and Nightingale wove their web of courage and clarity, he saw that they were all beginning to think, comparing the rumors and finding them suspiciously similar.

'Do you see what is happening?' he asked them. 'Can you see the hand of one source behind all of this? How could these tales be so similar, and yet so cleverly tailored to match our darkest nightmares? And how else could someone keep all of us from even speaking to one another, except by making us fear one another?' Then he challenged them. 'Can you think why someone would do this? What would he have to gain? Ask yourself that_for there is gain to be had here, in making us fear each other, in keeping us hiding in the darkness of our homes and listening only to rumors and wild tales.'

He chose his next words with care. 'For all that I am strange to you who are human, I am a student of your history. I have seen this pattern repeated before_in your history, and in our own, for we are not as different from you as you may think. We have had our tyrants, our exploiters, our would-be dictators. Here is what I have seen, over and over again. When people are divided against one another, there is always a third party standing ready and waiting to profit when both sides have preyed so much upon each other that they cannot withstand the third. Sometimes it is another land, another people, but I do not think that is the case here.' He took a deep breath, and made the plunge. 'I think that the third party here is a single person; a person who would see both humans and nonhumans enslaved to his purposes. First he drives fear enough into the humans that they grant him the power he needs to make slaves of the nonhumans. Then he turns that power upon those who gave it to him, and enslaves everyone.'

There were a few nods out there; only a few, but that much was encouraging. The rest would need time to think about what he was saying.

'Ponder this, if you will,' he finished. 'How soon would it be before something like a Law of Degree was applied, not only to those who do not look human, but to those who do not meet some other standard? When have any of you ever seen a law that took away the freedom of one group used only against that group? How about if our unknown enemy convinced you all that it should be applied to the indigent_street trash, beggars, and the like? It sounds reasonable, does it not? And who would really choose to have beggars and slackards sleeping in doorways, if they could be out doing useful work_and at least, as slaves, they would not be drinking, robbing, causing trouble in the street. But how if, after a delay of time to make it comfortable, it was then applied to those who_say_do not own property? After all, if you do not own your home, are you not indigent? What if it were applied to those who did not have a business, were not in a Guild, or happened not to have a job at a particular moment? After all, if you have lost your job, are you not indigent?'

Startled looks all around the room showed him that he had not only caught their attention, he had brought up something they had never in their wildest dreams thought of. Very probably the majority of the humans here only rented their tiny living-quarters from someone else_and every manufactory worker lived in fear of losing his job.

'Before you dismiss these truths as fantasy, remember that every one of you who has been robbed, cheated or raped_or knows someone who has, human or nonhuman_knows that there are those in our world who are capable of such evils. Remember that it is fear that makes all this possible,' he concluded. 'Fear which keeps us from organizing, from questioning to find out the truth, which keeps us divided, human from nonhuman, men from women, those who are prosperous from those who are not. Remember that, go and think and talk and ask questions; and then, if you will, come back to Father Ruthvere. He is a man of caring and courage, and he has tasks that need doing to make certain that this enemy does not take all our freedom away from us.'

He stepped down from the pulpit then, in an aura of stunned silence, and Father Ruthvere stepped back up into it.

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