Some of Ancar's army - the Elite - continued to attack. Most were fleeing. Even Ancar's mages were no longer a factor, for they were actually fighting among themselves.

'We need to get out there,' Selenay said, immediately. 'All of us. Companion-back it shouldn't take that long.'

Elspeth shook her head. 'I'm still in good shape, Mother. I can build a Gate for you. The only reason Firesong brought us here was because of the distance; it isn't even half that far to Landon Castle, and that should be right near the front.' She grinned wanly. 'I certainly saw enough of that place the last time Ancar hit us to put a Gate in the chapel door.'

'Done,' Selenay said instantly, and turned to Treyvan. He waved a claw at her. 'Fearrr not, Lady. We shall be rrrready. Hydona and I can deal with sssuch magessss asss may get thisss farrr.'

'Be here in a candlemark with whoever and whatever you want to take with you,' Elspeth said, and looked at Darkwind. 'I should go, too.'

Selenay shook her head. 'No, love, not really. Daren and I will go because there will be decisions on what must be done with Hardorn, but now - this is hardly more than a matter of cleaning up.'

Darkwind nodded agreement. 'The danger will not be to you. The dangers are all in a disorderly retreat, to keep the forces from hurting each other. Your people know you; you are the one in charge. And they no longer need an Adept out there.'

'My thoughtsss exactly.' Treyvan nodded. Selenay was not going to waste time or words; she and Daren hurried back out, trailed by guards, messengers, and Heralds.

Selenay and Daren returned with their Companions, all armed and provisioned, and a guard of six Heralds and six Royal Guardsmen. They were ready, Elspeth was ready - Treyvan was very proud of his young human pupil, who was showing her true mettle. He gently reminded her of how the Gate Spell worked, and stood ready to guide her 'hands.'

Elspeth took her place before the salle doors to create her very first Gate.

Treyvan watched her with the critical eye of a teacher but could find nothing to criticize. She had not needed his aid at all; she had done her work flawlessly. The portal filled with the image of a dark, ill-lit, stone-walled room. 'That old miser never will buy enough candles to light that great barn properly,' Selenay muttered, covering her amazement with the rather flippant remark. Treyvan thought it rather brave of her, when she did not ask 'Is it safe?' but rather, 'Is everything ready?'

A chorus of 'ayes' answered her, and the Queen herself, with her Companion, was the first one through the Gate. Two by two, the entourage went through.

Elspeth dissolved the Gate - and sat down herself, abruptly. Treyvan was expecting it, however, and helped her to sit, waving away the Healer who had been tending Firesong. 'It isss wearrrinesss, only,' he assured the woman. 'Gate-enerrrgy.'

He bent over Elspeth :Silly child,: he chided, mind-to-inind :You have all of the Heartstone to regain your energies! Use it! Firesong assuredly is!:

:Oh,: she replied sheepishly :I - ah - forgot: And only then did the Healer tending the unknown persuade her (him?) to remove the cloak swathing his face and body.

Treyvan flashed into 'kill' stance, shoving the youngsters behind him with his outstretched wings :Falconsbane!':

Then, before anyone could do or say anything, he looked deeply into the creature's eyes and saw there, not the ages-old tyrant, but a young and vulnerable boy.

He relaxed, flattening his feathers, and tucking his wings in with a flip. 'Ssso,' he said, 'And who isss thiss, that wearrrsss the body of ourrr old foe?'

It was Firesong who answered, with one hand protectively on the boy's shoulder. 'This is An'desha, old friend. And - '

:And he has earned more than the reward he sought.:The mental voice boomed through his head, resonating in his bones. Every feather on Treyvan's body stood on end, as he felt the stirrings of energies deeper and stranger than the local mage-currents. Light filled the room, a warm and sourceless light as bright as sunlight on a summer day. A faint scent of sun-warmed grasses wafted across the salle -

The light collected behind An'desha; more light formed into an identical column behind a very startled Nyara. The columns of light spread huge, fiery wings over the two; Treyvan's skin tingled and Darkwind and Firesong gasped.

:These twain have given selflessly. It is the will of the Warrior that what was stolen from them be returned.:

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