Thank Havens he understands our tongue enough to come rescue me!
Darkwind smiled charmingly at Shion. 'There are ways to block some kinds of mind-magic, but they also block all other kinds of magic. A mage-shield powerful enough to block Mindspeaking blocks nearly everything else. So if you wish to keep your enemy from Mindspeaking, you also prevent yourself from working magic upon him.'
Shion shook her head. 'It's too complicated for me,' she replied, and dropped back to ride beside Cavil, leaving Elspeth and Darkwind in the lead.
'Your grasp of my language is improving,' she teased. He shrugged. Vree's head peeked out from beneath a fold of the hood for a moment. The bondbird looked at the rain in acute distaste, made a ratcheting sound, and vanished back into Darkwind's voluminous hood. Movement inside the hood showed Vree settling back to wait, probably grumbling to himself.
'My grasp of your language is improving because I am taking most of it from your mind, bright feather,' he replied, giving her a glance that warmed her in spite of the freezing rain. 'I thought perhaps I ought to save you from that too-curious colleague of yours.'
'You noticed that, too, did you?' She grimaced. 'All three of them are like that. I suppose it's your exotic nature. It makes them terribly curious.'
'I don't know....' He stared off ahead for a moment, then switched to Tayledras. 'We have been three days on the road now, and it has not stopped, this questioning. Perhaps it is that we Hawkbrothers are more private, but they seem to see nothing amiss with wishing to know everything about me. Not only do they wish to know in detail what I plan to do when we reach Haven, they wish to know things that have no bearing on our mission. How I feel about everything, what my personal opinions are on such and such a thing, and most particularly, all the details of what you and I have done together. They seem to think they have a right to this information. It is - rather embarrassing.'
She shook her head, puzzled and annoyed. 'You may be mistaken,' she told him, but with a bit of doubt creeping into her voice. If he had gotten the impression that Shion was being a little too personal -
But I am the Heir. Maybe she's under orders from Mother to find out as much as she can about the people with me, and what we might have been - ah - involved in.
'Our cultures are very different, after all,' she continued. 'What sounds like a question about our personal lives may only be a question about what I was learning with you.'
The look he gave her told her that he didn't think that he was mistaken, but he let the matter drop. It wasn't the first time he had complained of the other Heralds' insatiable questioning, but it was the first time he had mentioned their interest in something that could only be fodder for gossip and could serve no other purpose.
'You will probably get the usual greeting when we arrive,' he said instead, changing the subject. His eyes twinkled when she grimaced and winced.
'If one more person comes up to me and says 'but I thought you were dead!' I'm going to strangle him,' she muttered. 'I can't believe people could be so stupid! And what difference would it make if I had been? The twins are perfectly capable, either one of them, of being made Heir. I am not indispensable! I'm only another Herald, if it comes right down to that.'
'But the rumors made it seem as if you were indispensable, ke'chara,' he pointed out. 'The rumors must have implied that your government was in a panic and trying to cover that panic. That makes me think that the rumors must have been more than idle nonsense; they must have been spread persistently and maliciously.'
'Persistent and malicious - ' Now that had a familiar, nasty ring to it. 'Well, that's Ancar all over,' Elspeth replied. 'I can't think of anyone who deserves that description more. No doubt where it came from. I don't know what in seven hells he hoped to accomplish, though.'
'Enough unrest would suit him, I suspect.' Darkwind put a hand inside his hood to scratch Vree's breast- feathers. He had warned Elspeth that he was unused to riding, but he seemed to be doing just fine to her. Of course, it helped that their pace was being held to a fast walk. You had to really work to get thrown at that speed. 'He wishes, I think, to make as much disturbance and confusion as possible. The Clans have a game like that, from one created by the Shin'a'in. Artful distraction.'
She shook her head, and water dribbled into her face. 'I just can't believe that disruption would be enough for Ancar.'
Darkwind continued to scratch Vree - which looked rather odd, since he seemed to be feeling around inside his hood for something - and his eyes darkened with thought. 'What of this, then,' he said, after a moment. 'You say that your younger siblings would make good Heirs. But their father is not your father, am I correct?' At her nod, he continued. 'What if the rumors of your death were only a beginning - that once it was believed that you were dead, Aacar then planned to add rumors that your stepfather had contrived your death, in order to have his own children take the throne?'
She stared at him, mouth dropping open. 'That - that's crazy!' she stammered, finally. 'No one who knew my stepfather would ever believe that!'
'No one who knew him, you say,' Darkwind persisted. 'But this land of yours is a very large one, larger than I