given her expertise and accomplishments.'

Gel dropped his eyes, and went stiffly to one knee, and from the way that his neck had reddened, Kyrtian knew that it was only the full knowledge that this insulting speech was meant for Triana's benefit alone that kept his old friend from exploding with rage. 'Thank you, my gracious lord,' Gel got out through clenched teeth. Fortunately, with his head bowed, it sounded sincere and humble. 'I can never be worthy of this honor—'

'Well, go take the girl and see about rewarding my generos­ity as quickly as possible,' Kyrtian said airily, waving a dismis­sive hand. Gel got up, took Rennati's limp and unresisting hand in his own, and rather abruptly hauled her away, followed by the rest of the 'slaves.'

Oh, I'm going to pay for this the next time we practice.

He turned to Triana, whose face was a study in shock. 'Nice little dancer my mother bought for me,' he said dismissively. 'Knows her business. Perfect to make sure the old fellow can do his duty by her and by me—I can guarantee she's been well trained. On top of that, she's got a fantastic physique and re-

flexes. If I don't get a set of unbelievable bodyguards out of those two, I'll eat my boots without sauce.' Then he pretended belatedly to see Triana's stunned expression. 'Oh, your pardon,' my lady—I hope I didn't shock you by being so frank, but I un­derstood you were a breeder of some note—'

She quickly got hold of herself, and smiled falsely. 'Oh, you didn't shock me in the least, my lord,' she replied. 'I was just contemplating what the results of that mating are likely to be. Splendid bodyguards, no doubt—but forgive me for hoping that the stock takes after her looks, rather than his!' She pro­duced another of those low, breathy laughs. 'You will recall that I breed for esthetics!'

'Of course, of course.' He then turned the conversation to something else, and eventually the dinner ground its way to its finale.

He left the ladies, as was the custom, to conclude their eve­ning together over sweet wines and conversation, blessing the custom for allowing him to escape the table before Triana.

She would, without a shadow of a doubt, try to get at Ren-nati. But it wouldn't happen tonight, and it wouldn't happen on her terms. It would be tomorrow—at the time and place that Kyrtian had picked.

The pale pink marble hallway outside Lady Triana's guest-suite looked, Kyrtian reflected with no little amusement, as if they had planned an ambush for the elven lady. In a sense, they had. Rennati waited in a marble-paneled niche close to the door. A little farther along, behind a second bronze door left just the tiniest bit open, Lady Viridina waited. And farther still, watch­ing from the end of the hallway, behind the paneled door to one of the sitting-rooms, was Kyrtian himself. If Triana gave the lit­tle dancer too much trouble, Lady Viridina would appear—and if Viridina's presence didn't give Rennati a chance to escape, he would put in an appearance and claim 'his' slave.

The doors made no sound as they opened, of course, and the only clue he had that Triana had finally emerged was the soft patter of Rennati's footsteps on the heavy carpet.

'My lady, I beg your favor!' Rennati's high, clear voice,

with a hint of desperation in it, rang down the hallway. A little judicious magic allowed him to hear every word as she ap-' proached the elven lady.

'My lady,' Rennati repeated, as she flung herself to her knees beside the waiting Triana, who had paused beside the open door. 'My lady, forgive me—I failed you—I know I have failed you—'

'Indeed you have,' Triana said, in a level voice. 'The infor­mation you gave to me was of little use. You were near Lord Kyrtian only once, and that briefly. And now he has turned you into a mere breeder, which will remove you from the household altogether and occupy your time with things of no interest to me. I am not pleased.'

Kyrtian peeked through a crack where the door met the frame. Rennati bent her head, trembling with fear. The poor child wasn't acting, she really was afraid of Triana. It was terri­bly brave of her to take this step, but it was the only possible way for her to escape Triana's toils, and both she and Kyrtian knew it. 'I had no choice, my lady,' Rennati replied humbly. 'I am only a slave; I have no control over how I am disposed of.'

'Hmph.' Kyrtian took another cautious peek; Triana stood over Rennati looking down at the girl with a measure of dis­gust. 'If you'd had an ounce or two more of ambition—' She shook her head. 'I do not reward incompetence, girl. A good part of your failure is your own fault. You did not make yourself indispensable to Lord Kyrtian.'

'Yes, my lady.' Rennati couldn't have gotten any lower to the ground without prostrating herself.

Triana prodded at the dancer with her foot. 'You've managed to maneuver yourself into your own punishment, fool. You'll be nothing more than a breeder for the rest of your life. And bred to that hideous old man! You can expect to be beaten when you don't please him, and taken like an animal when you do. On the whole, I must say I couldn't have contrived anything better as chastisement.' She laughed, a cruel laugh that made even Kyrt­ian shiver. 'I trust he'll make you suitably miserable. Now, you have something of mine, I believe?' She put out her hand.

Rennati, shaking like a willow in a windstorm, pulled the

teleson-ring from her finger and managed to place it in Triana's palm. Triana slipped the ring on her own finger, spurned the dancer with her foot, pushing her off-balance so that she sprawled clumsily onto the carpet. With a final, nasty chuckle, Triana stalked off.

Rennati lay where she'd fallen, shaking violently, until Tri­ana was out of sight; Kyrtian and Viridina remained in hiding as well. Once they were both sure she was gone, they both rushed out into the hall—

Only to find that Rennati was shaking, not with fear or in tears, but with the weak laughter of relief. Kyrtian helped her to her feet, and Viridina fussed over her for a moment—a strange sight, that; an elven lady seeing to the welfare of a mere human!

'I'm all right, really I am,' Rennati protested at last. 'Thank you, my lady, thank you for being so close—but I am all right. I was only afraid that if either of you had to intervene, she would sense something wasn't quite right.'

'You did wonderfully well, young lady,' Kyrtian told her ap­provingly. 'Wonderfully well. I couldn't have asked for better. I must say that you've shown an ability to play-act that I hadn't expected.'

'I was afraid I was going to start laughing when she de­scribed poor Gel,' Rennati told him, dimpling and coloring prettily. 'She couldn't have been more wrong about him—'

'And it's just as well that she doesn't know that. It's my turn to apologize for putting you through all that embarrassment now, and last night,' he continued, 'and I hope you'll forgive me for it.'

'Only if you—' she colored more deeply. 'Only if you— don't take back what you said—about me and Gel —'

'My dear child, that is between you and Gel!' he exclaimed, holding up both hands in mock-defense, as both Rennati and Viridina giggled like a pair of young girls. 'I have nothing to do with it! If you have the audacity to collar and tame that wretched man, you may have joy of him!'

Stifling their laughter in their hands, Viridina and Rennati re­treated into Viridina's suite—for some womanish reason, he had no doubt, perhaps to plan the conquest of poor Gel! Ah,

Gel, you wretched man, you haven't a prayer against them! Whatever it was, the important mission had been accom­plished; Triana no longer had a spy in his household, and it was vanishingly likely that she'd get another in there. Now he could continue with his own library search, and wait for the two 'lost' Elvenlords to be found, for the Council to learn of the 'new Wizards' and for the panic to begin.

Triana left that very day, and no one, least of all Kyrtian, was sorry to see her leave, although Lady Moth managed to convey the opposite. With Triana's departure, everything went back to 'normal.'

Kyrtian, however, gave up trying to use Rennati and Gel as his helpers. Instead, he commandeered a couple

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