“Don't worry about that. I'd rather stay clear of anything that would bring Sol System Forces down on us,” Captain Valance reassured.

“Sorry if I pulled things a little off course, Captain,” Ashley apologized quietly.

“Don't worry, if there was a schedule for tonight we'd be in a briefing room somewhere.”

“Besides, big dinners like this are made for open discussions and big questions,” Liam added as he took his seat. Just listening to him and the Captain at the table made it seem like they had served together for a long time. “The best meals on a ship are at the Captain's table, where you can sit with the senior officers and hear old war stories and learn about places you've never been. Long held tradition tells us it's supposed to be a high privilege to have a seat at his table,” Liam raised his glass to the Captain before taking a sip.

“Well, I don't know how interesting I'll be, but I don't think we'll sit in silence as long as you're around,” Captain Valance smiled, raising his glass to Liam.

“Thank you Captain, I'll try no to monopolize conversation. I'm wondering, are you planning on moving in? I'm sure everyone likes having you in the ready quarters, right next to the bridge, but I'd think you'd be more comfortable here.”

Captain Valance shook his head as he finished swallowing a sip of wine. “I don't think so. It would be a waste, all this space just for me. Besides, I'd feel strange eating alone at this table,” Captain Valance said with a smile that was uncharacteristically uneasy.

“I'd eat here every night,” Grace said, beaming.

Stephanie rolled her eyes.

“I'd throw a dinner party for my friends every chance I got.”

Frost was trying not to laugh at Stephanie's reaction, she didn't realize she was noticed.

“Wouldn't you?” Grace asked her.

“I'd get rid of the table and turn it into a gym. There's enough length to this room to do a double back flip. Or maybe I'd turn it into a shooting range. I could think of a few holographic targets to put up,” Stephanie said before taking a long sip of her wine. “That's really good,” she commented to her glass.

“Well, I feel special just being here Captain,” Ashley declared reassuringly, selecting vegetarian lasagne and a Caesar salad. She had no idea what to expect when she pressed the script writing that said 'Select' but went ahead and did it anyway.

Nothing happened. She looked across the table at Grace and shrugged.

“Oh, you have to move your hand sweetie,” Grace said condescendingly.

Ashley took her hand off the table and her request materialized in the space of half a second. It was a steaming helping of lasagne complete with three bread sticks, napkin, knife, and a fork, with steaming cheese on top and a glass of water on the side. To the side was a smaller deep plate with a light Caesar salad. Everyone was watching her except for Grace, who had casually turned her attention back to her menu. “You've eaten at a place that served this way before?” Ashley asked.

“Oh, I just guessed.”

Ashley straightened in her seat, unfolded her napkin and drew it across her lap before even looking at her food. They were habits from the polite society she worked in as a girl. Her table manners were perfect, even the servants were forced to practice them and for the first time she could remember she was glad for it. She didn't take her first bite until everyone else had food in front of them.

“I haven't had this in such a long time,” Agameg said as he eyed his spaghetti. He had foregone the fragrant cabbage rolls in favour of one of his family favourites.

The group ate fairly quietly, except for the retelling of Stephanie's crack up in the lift on the way to dinner. A little more than half way though, Agameg realized he was the only one there without a position of importance. Stephanie was Chief of Security, Alice was the First Officer and Night Captain, Angelo was the Deck Chief, Frost was the Gunnery Chief, Grace was the standing Chief of Medical, Liam was the Chief of Engineering and Ashley was the Master of the Helm, or Lead Pilot. He glanced to Liam nervously. The man was a wonder to work with in Engineering. He was knowledgeable, kind, clear about what needed to be done, delegated fairly and fairly personable. “Pardon sir,” Price whispered. “But why am I here? Do you know?”

Liam finished a bite of synthetic roasted apple and wiped his mouth. “You're the only one requested by three departments,” he replied quietly.

Ashley bumped him gently with her shoulder. “Wow, you're popular. They just sat me at the helm and said; 'make the ship go, try not to hit anything,'” she teased in a whisper.

Agameg's eyes went wide and he looked around the table.

“I'd like you in maintenance on the Deck.” Angelo said with a humble smile.

“I liked working with you in Engineering,” Liam commented.

“And I would love your help in Security,” Stephanie put in.

“Now that they mention it, you'd be a great gunnery mechanic,” Frost added.

Stephanie shot him a look that could murder.

“But I see you've got your hands full,” he concluded.

Agameg looked to the Captain who just smiled back at him. “Any advice sir?” he asked.

Captain Valance pushed his empty bowl away, it was a thick seafood stew. “I'd say do a rotation. A shift in each for nine days then make up your mind. Just make sure you assign yourself to only one emergency and combat station so we know where you're supposed to be if the ship comes under fire. Unless you have an idea for where you want to be.”

He thought for a minute, looking down at his nearly finished plate of spaghetti. He couldn't eat the entire helping. He made his mind up and looked to Captain Valance. “Is there any room for me on the bridge? I would like to do my rotation there between security and engineering stations.”

“Good choice. I might just use you as the Officer of the Deck a few times while you're there.”

“Oh, no, I was too nervous sitting in the middle of the bridge. Too much to watch, too many decisions to make for the whole crew,” he said, putting a hand up.

“Okay, we'll see how it goes,” Captain Valance relented.

“Congratulations,” Ashley toasted, everyone else raised a glass as well.

Liam went into the next room and came out with another pair of bottles.

“Well, I'd like to say I brought you all here just to celebrate being on this ship, but there's more to it,” Captain Valance announced in a more serious tone. “When I was commanding the Samson I could just pick our destination and purpose. If anyone disagreed it was their problem.”

“Unless they made it your problem, which would lead them to an even bigger problem,” Stephanie added. “Then out the airlock.”

Most of the table chuckled at her quip. The Captain went on. “We've received a transmission from a ship called the Silkstream IV. It's a Freeground prototype carrying important passengers who knew Jonas Valent very well.”

Alice looked at him eagerly. “Who?” she whispered.

“I can only say that one of them is very ill. They'll be arriving in the Enreega system in just five days. They don't know the situation there and since they're travelling via wormhole they won't be able to receive transmissions before they arrive. If it were just myself, I'd go and pick them up. I second guessed the idea of getting your consent as it is, but this isn't the Samson, and there's no paycheck or real Regent Galactic target we can handle at the end of this.”

“You're askin' permission Captain?” asked Frost.

“For all intents and purposes this is personal, and from the sounds of it, these people can't defend themselves,” Captain Valance answered. “So I'm asking for your opinions.”

“The ship is in pretty good shape combat wise, the crew needs training, but I can get them set with the basics in the time we have. As long as we don't get in too much trouble,” Liam said as he finished opening a wine bottle.

“I'll take you wherever you have to go Captain,” Ashley said.

“Are our cloaking systems working?” Stephanie asked.

“They're working again,” Liam nodded.

“Then I'm good to go.”

Everyone looked at Frost and Grace. “As long as we get a chance to service and test those turrets. Some of

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