“According to what the Newsnets have been saying, Eden Fleet ships are still attacking random systems, so it must be working.”

“You're right. Right up to the time of the scan, a week or so before he died, the virus was still working and he was worried about the Holocaust Virus. The new virus taking over more common man made AI's is adaptable, there's a slim chance that it and information about framework could cross paths..”

“So infected AI's might realize the framework technology exists?”

“That's right, no one knows what would happen if a normal AI ran across that info, they might just decide they want to be a real boy or girl and start blabbing about it to other AI's or even finding a way to make their own framework and try and transfer themselves over. The problem is only Jacob Valance has the finalized framework model, the version of the technology that can accept any whole imprint. That's why Collins, Meunez and Hampon have all been keeping their eyes on him and why Collins stole the Eve Mind himself. He planned on getting to Valance eventually and implanting Eve into his framework. There's something more about Eve, Jake and the Triton, but it'll take a while for me to figure out what it is. There are other plans in the works, they'll need me to dig around in Collins' memories and fill in some of their blanks.”

“Do you think Gabriel knows any of this?”

“He should, even if he doesn't, I'm not going to bother telling him just yet.”

Gloria began to smile, it was one of her dirty, dark grins. “Pray tell why not Captain?”

“Because we need to get Valance's attention and the best way to do that is to do exactly what we were assigned.”

“What, make life difficult for Jacob Valance?”

“Exactly, and Collins was all read up on what our favourite Freegrounder was up to. I know exactly where to hit him to make him real unpopular and it'll make us real hard to ignore.”


“Lister, you know very well that a direct line of command and control is critical for this initiative to fulfil our requirements,” said the holographic Regent Galactic representative. The small holographic image looked positively irate, crossing its blue and green business suit clad arms.

Lister Hampon had added the space reserved on his ship for a meeting room to his quarters. Instead of having a whole meeting room to speak with holographic representatives from Regent Galactic, he pointed a small device at the sensors attached to the communications unit his masters used that tricked it into thinking the small hologram was being broadcast full size and it was standing in the meeting room that no longer existed. It was worth the extra hundred sixty square meters.

“You couldn't possibly expect to have effective control over millions of disciples from sixteen hundred light years away. You're not only fooling yourselves, you're exposing a level of idiocy that makes the whole company look simply pathetic.”

“What? What did you just say?”

“You heard me. I'm tired of talking to pathetic functionaries just like you. Put me on with someone who can affect change or comprehend the various logistics I deal with from one hour to the next.”

“I assure you, I'm capable of dealing with any situation you bring to my attention.”

“Fine. Tell your masters I'll soon quadruple the number of armed, active disciples, and that my military might extends to sixty three warships in this system alone. We have also taken control of over thirty five million mechanized units and will be launching an all out assault on Pandem as we begin bringing assets up from the planet surface. Soon Gabriel Meunez and I will hold full dominion over the entire solar system.”

The image hesitated a moment. “None of these actions are on my approval list.”

“That is because the situation here has overgrown not only your company's expectations but what they can possibly hope to comprehend.”

“I've been advised to remind you that only Regent Galactic is permitted to lay claim to worlds in distress. Pandem is off limits. There are assets there that require careful extraction.”

“We've found the reliquary and our forward units will have access to it shortly. Pandem will be under our exclusive control. If you try to interfere I will personally direct the sworn West Keeper soldiers aboard Regent Galactic ships that aren't under our direct control to start killing officers.”

“If we lose control of the spinward front, we will be forced to take action.”

“You will be incapable of doing so effectively. By the time you arrive the Order of Eden will be able to out match any force you can bring to bear.” Hampon sighed and shook his head. “I won't continue posturing with you. It's obvious to me that you're powerless to affect the changes I require in order to continue working with Regent Galactic.”


“Shut it! Your impotent arguments and pointless objections have led your company into a near unrecoverable position. If you don't connect me with someone who can properly record my statement of separation from Regent Galactic or negotiate the terms of our alliance, I'll terminate this and begin taking all Regent Galactic assets in the area by force. I'll take you on and win in this sector.”

“Alliance? You're under contract!”

“I'm waiting,” Hampon growled with finality, sitting back in his chair.

There was over a minute of silence as the business suit clad holographic representative floundered with a computer terminal that was out of sight. Even through the little avatar he could tell whoever was on the other end controlling it was nervous, very nervous.

The image disappeared for a moment and a thin smile spread across Lister's childish face. A new holographic image appeared, this one was female with neatly tied blonde hair. She was wearing a smart black business suit. “I apologize for the comments of my colleague. I'm afraid you were misdirected when you first contacted us this afternoon. How may I help you?”

“You weren't listening in?”

“I'm afraid not. I could access the logs and review the conversation if you like.”

“No, I'll summarize. I am taking the planet Pandem. The Order of Eden and all the West Watch forces are spreading throughout the system. We've taken control of all the moons surrounding the core world.”

“I cannot approve the act of laying claim to a world.”

“I know and don't care. Please make the board aware that these actions are taking place. I'm also taking this opportunity to state that we are separating from Regent Galactic. The Order of Eden is now it's own entity and Regent Galactic will have a limited amount of time to negotiate an alliance. Please enter that into the official record and ensure the board is aware of it immediately.”

“I will. Now that I've logged that matter, I see here that you're to be contacted if we cannot find Gabriel Meunez?”

“That is correct.”

“We haven't received any reports from him in some time now and there have been no replies to any of our transmissions.”

“Gabriel is no longer your concern. The board will not have the opportunity to influence the path the Order of Eden is on through him and he has no interest in conversing with anyone from your company. He has stepped onto a path down which you and your company are ill equipped to follow.”

“I don't-” the avatar paused for a moment before finishing; “-don't understand sir.”

“You don't have to. Suffice it to say Gabriel Meunez discloses his whereabouts and plans to few. He'll respond if he sees a need.”

“But sir, you're the emergency contact and we can't find General Collins either.”

“He is dead, the matter is closed.”

The avatar's eyes went wide, exasperation was clear on it's small holographic face. “You are bound by your contract to submit a report regarding the circumstances of his death immediately. Full disclosure is mandatory.”

“Drop it,” Lister said flatly, wishing that he had a man's voice. The face and voice of a child were ill equipped

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