with a crooked grin.

“Still keeping your eye on me?”

It took a moment for him to reply, his gaze becoming unfocused as a result of him looking inward at something in the digital world. “Oh, security earmarked the visual logs. They do that whenever the status of a crew member changes, social or otherwise.”


Again the man sitting just a meter distant on the opposite seat was mentally drawn much further away by something in the digital realm and Lucius was led to wonder what being connected to the massive ships would be like. The thought faded as Gabriel's attention turned back to him. “That's what makes what I've come to ask you harder than expected. We tried fabricating a bare framework using a high resolution materializer and failed. We were hoping to duplicate a blank template that was equal to you or Gloria so I could avoid this whole messy business.”

Lucius leaned back in his seat. “I saw this coming after taking on Collins' memories.”

“So you know that Jacob Valance's last task was to play physical host to Eve.”

“Yes, and you'd have to disable him, carve open his skull and replace his brain with hers. His body would rebuild itself based on her mental self image.”

“So you know Gloria would be killed in the process.”

“Yeah, so why wake her up at all? I mean you could have left her in the pod until it was time. She'd be none the wiser.”

“If you spent more time accessing the parts of Collins' experiences that mattered, you'd know the answer to that question.” Gabriel's eyes rolled back in his head as he accessed a large chunk of data. After two seconds he looked back at the other man, his features in deep shadow in the dim light. “I'll answer it for you regardless. I didn't know which of you would be more valuable to us. A framework built over a living human template or a less experienced template or someone who had time to age actively, unaware of what and who you were.”

Lucius nodded and let Gabriel continue.

“Of the two you are the more interesting, you are more well textured. That came as a surprise, considering how, I hope you'll pardon me for saying, empty you were at the beginning. Besides, I knew you'd have less difficulty interfacing with Collins' experiences since your personal experience has been unquestionably male so far.”

“I get it, and no, you won't have any trouble from me if you want to use her. I remember just enough about the old Gloria to know that it's just a matter of time before the new and improved model becomes more trouble than she's worth. The last thing you need is another Jonas Valent on your hands. I'll still want something in trade though.”


“Give me the Saviour and access to the Vindyne development archives. Oh, and when I say I want the Saviour I mean I want full ownership. Control codes, the override hardware, full command of the crew and accounts with at least two years worth of pay for them that I can transfer out of whatever Regent Galactic bank you drop them into.”

Gabriel's eyes went wide and his expression froze in one of surprise. For a moment Lucius wondered if the man was honestly that taken aback, but realized after a few seconds that he was just accessing more data, performing some kind of search. After a moment his eyes focused on Lucius again and the expression changed to a more pleased, admiring one. “How did you know? Did Collins' find out somehow?”

Lucius had no idea what the other man was talking about but just held the exact same expression on his face, relaxed and replied calmly. “Doesn't much matter now, does it?”

“You're right, it doesn't. I can give you command of the Saviour. It's actually joined up with us already as you've probably seen out your view port. She'll have a trained Regent Galactic crew like all the ships they've provided. I'm just surprised that you've discovered where her true value lies already. I won't be able to let you keep what's in her vault.”

“I had guessed that. I wouldn't want what's inside anyhow.”

“And what of the new marines aboard? I suppose you'd like to keep them.”

Wheeler hurriedly tried to search Collins' memories for anything referring to the marines and before long he had it. They were one of the final goals for the framework project; to have the ability to store bare, unused framework skeletons in bulk aboard a ship that could be turned on a few at a time or all at once, imprinted with a basic personality, skills and directives then sent out into the field. The difficulties that Vindyne faced after they had captured the technology from the original Wheeler and started work with Yorgen Stills involved reducing a marine unit back into a framework skeleton for long term storage and the memory imprints. Collins had no memory of them correcting that problem. When Lucius Wheeler looked back at Gabriel, not aware until then that he had looked away, it was to see the other man laughing and clapping his hands together.

“You are full of surprises Lucius! I am going to miss you! You had no idea we were ready to deploy the framework marines, did you?”

Wheeler could only smile and shake his head. “No idea.”

“I could learn so much about the benefits of staying human from you. If anything you're proof that there is still a point to flesh and blood. Well, since you've gotten enough out of me to be dangerous, I'll tell you the rest. We have twenty eight tested memory imprints that work ninety seven percent of the time and the Saviour is made to accommodate framework marines, pilots, gunners, mechanics and the other template types. We've also included small manufacturing facilities so you can build more if you happen to start running low. The Saviour carries fifteen thousand frameworks in storage and can support up to two thousand in close quarters for up to three months. The frameworks we can generate with our current manufacturing technology aren't the same quality as you, but they more than serve their purpose. My God, it's laborious telling you this verbally.” Gabriel sighed before continuing. “The ship can create starfighters, dropships and is quite a fighting machine itself. The Saviour is made to mount surprise attacks against outposts and colonies. I'd expect a man like you could quickly achieve the assignment we have for you and move on to become a rich man before long. I'll trade her to you for your full cooperation and Gloria.”

“As long as she's my ship, and the crew knows they're being sold. I don't want to face some kind of zealot mutiny as soon as I'm finished hound dogging Jake.”

“So you have been paying attention to some of Collins' more important memories.”

“Oh yeah, Vindyne's habit of taking control of any ship they manufactured at a moment's notice using the manufacturer's command code. It wasn't even legal in most systems.”

“But we rarely did such a thing inside a solar system, so we never really broke those laws.”

“Loopholes, every successful member of that company thought in loopholes, especially Collins. I won't get caught in one.”

“Then you won't be. We'll give you access to the manufacturer level codes and all you'll have to do is shut down the engines so you can enter new ones. Hampon won't be pleased, but he has his army of dull minded zealots, so he'll forget before long.”

“I'll have to find out more about this cult he has going, Collins didn't exactly stay up to speed on it.”

“He thought subjugation through religion was a mistake,” Gabriel said absently as he considered some other data passing through his mind. “We'll see.”

“So when are you going to take Gloria down to the chamber?”

“She's already being prepared on the Saviour. You will have to go ahead of me and open the vault. It will not open if I'm aboard that ship. I trust you have no significant objections?”

“To opening the vault for you? No. I know that's the real price on my freedom. Good of you to let me realize it for myself.”

“Collins was paranoid where Eve was concerned. Didn't let anyone in, wouldn't let me near her.”

“Paranoid is an understatement. The thought of you getting access to the Eve brain crossed his mind every hour after he took possession. He never figured out what you'd do if you got to get close.”

“What do you think?”

“I think I should do whatever I need to to get clear of the mess you and Hampon are making and mind mind my own business as much as I can while I try to force Valent and the Triton out of hiding. How do you know they'll disappear anyway?”

Gabriel grinned broadly, the expression looked out of place somehow, his eyebrows were drawn tightly into a

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