He thought that over. “That's a blow,” he said, grinning.

“Did he ever question you about anything?”

“Only about the butcher business.”

The hell! I thought. The butcher business. That had a lot to do with a murder case. I kept on, though.

“In what way?” I asked.

“Well!” He thought for a minute. “He seemed to be interested in the meat I sell the Vineyard.”

“You supply them?”

“No. I just sell 'em left-overs. Anything I can't use. They pay a good price, too.”

I began to get excited. “Who pays you for 'em?”

“Brother Joseph.”

That was why Oke had been friendly with Jeliff. Meat for the Vineyard. I had hit on something. I felt good until I had another thought: Why was Oke interested in the meat?

Jeliff didn't know the answer. All he knew was he delivered meat to Brother Joseph at the Elder's house once a week. It didn't matter how badly spoiled it was; Brother Joseph paid for it just the same.

“If they're crazy out there,” he asked, “should I care?”

I finished the beer and thanked him and said goodbye. It felt twice as hot outside after being in the cellar. I got in the cab. All the way back to the hotel I tried to figure why Oke had been interested in the meat delivered to the Vineyard. I didn't get the answer.

I had a four-pound steak for lunch. I couldn't seem to get enough meat. My system craved it all the time. Rare meat. I had it served in my room. For some reason I didn't feel comfortable outside. I ate the steak lying down.

When the waiter took away the table, I stayed on the bed and read Black Mask. My belly was full of meat. A hot wind blew in the window and I began to sweat. I felt tired again. I thought back and figured I'd had seven hours' sleep in the last three days. I decided a bath and a nap would do me good. I got up and undressed. I found myself ducking every time I passed the windows. I peeked out. They looked down on Main Street, and there were no tall buildings near. No guy would shoot at me from Main Street. Just the same I pulled the curtains.

I filled the tub with cold water and lay in it for a long time. I thought it was funny I should be spooky. Maybe it was the kid trying to shoot me. I'd never feel good in a steam room again. I tried to think about the Vineyard's meat. Slightly decayed meat. What the hell would anybody want that for?

I thought about the Princess. Maybe she could tell me about the meat. I was to see her again tonight. It was to be a regular nightly custom. Well, it was a great experience. I wondered how long I could stand up under it. Maybe some night I...

I heard somebody in the room; feet and the sound of the door closing; I turned my neck, but I couldn't see into the room. The bathroom door was nearly shut. I wished I'd bought another revolver. If I got through this, I would.

“Who's there?” I called.

The feet came towards the bathroom. The door opened a little and I got ready to jump out of the tub. Ginger stuck her head through the opening, smiling.

“Hello,” she said.

She looked nice with her white skin and red hair. I pulled a towel off the rack and put it over me like an apron. “What the hell!” I said. “I'm taking a bath.”

“I've seen naked men before,” Ginger said.

“Not like me.”

“Maybe,” she admitted. She came in the bathroom and sat on a shower stool.

I had to laugh. “Why don't you take off your clothes and get in with me?”

“There wouldn't be room.”

“I'll make room.”

“I bet.”

“Then come on.”

“No, thanks.” Her face got serious. “I came to talk about the bracelet.”

“Oh. How'd you like it?”

“It's beautiful. How much did it cost?”


“You're not a bad guy.” She twisted the bracelet on her arm. It looked fine with the black long-sleeved dress she had on. The fake diamonds gleamed in the bathroom light.

“Listen, you shouldn't have given it to me. Pug Banta's got it in for you, anyway.”


“He found out Carmel gave you the dope on him.

“Yeah. From Carmel... before he killed her.”

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