The certainty rocked him; he drew a tight breath.

The chatter of maids in her rooms, clearly waiting to tidy the bedroom, reached him; he glanced toward the connecting door, then looked down, met her eyes. 'Once this is over, we need to talk.' He lifted a hand, briefly traced her cheek. 'There're things I need to tell you, things we need to discuss.'

Her smile held the essence of happiness. She caught his hand; her eyes on his, she touched her lips to his palm. 'Later, then.'

The brief contact sent heat racing through him. Her smile widened and she turned to the door. He opened it; she stepped out into the corridor.

He watched her hips sway beneath her blue day gown, then drew breath, took a firm grip on his impulses, and followed her.

Chapter 22

The day flew. No one stopped for luncheon; Higgs set out a cold collation in the dining room and people helped themselves when they could. Restrained pandemonium reigned, yet when six o'clock struck and the first of the guests arrived in the forecourt, everything was in place. Higgs, beaming, hurried to the kitchens while Cottsloe strode proudly to the door.

Amelia rose from the chaise on which she'd only just sat. She'd been on her feet the entire day, yet the excitement in the air, which had laid hold of the whole household — the look in Luc's midnight blue eyes as she took up her stance by his side before the fireplace — were more than worth the effort, quite aside from trapping the thief.

The guests rolled in, guided through the front hall and into the drawing room to greet Luc and herself, and then be introduced to the rest of the family, both immediate and extended, standing and sitting about the huge room. Minerva, Emily, and Anne were primed to take over the introductions so Amelia and Luc could concentrate on welcoming the steady stream of their neighbors and tenants. Phyllida stood near Emily, ready to lend assistance should the younger girl encounter any difficulties, while Amanda did likewise with Anne, shy but determined to carry her role.

In the midst of them all, Helena sat beside Minerva on the chaise, her pearl-and-emerald necklace resplendent, displayed to advantage against a deep green silk gown. With her dark hair streaked with silver, her pale green eyes and her inherent presence, Helena drew everyone's gaze. No one was the least surprised to learn she was the Dowager Duchess of St. Ives.

Watching her aunt exchange nods with Lady Fenton, a haughty local matron, and then make some remark, very much in the grande dame style, instantly reducing Lady Fenton to dithering nervousness, Amelia had to look quickly away. Smiling widely, she turned to greet the next of their guests.

Portia, Penelope, and Simon patrolled before the long windows, open to the terrace, efficiently herding those with all introductions complete out into the gardens where the first act of the revelries would take place. Within an hour, a goodly crowd had gathered, eagerly sampling the delicious morsels provided by Higgs, washing them down with ale and wines.

When the incoming tide slowed, the front doors were shut; a stablelad sat on the portico steps to direct any latecomers around the house, and thus to the festivities. Together, Luc and Amelia led their assembled families out onto the lawns to mingle with their guests.

The sun was slanting through the trees, just gilding the tops of the shrubbery hedges as they went down the terrace steps. The air held the warmth of a summer's day; the breeze was a caress wafting the scents of grass and greenery, of stocks, jasmine, and the multitude of roses blooming throughout the gardens.

Luc caught Amelia's eye, lifted her hand to his lips briefly, then released her. They parted, each strolling into the crowd, exchanging greetings with their tenants and the villagers, the majority of whom had walked to the Chase, bringing their families as suggested to join in the fun.

While he chatted, Luc kept Helena in sight. She was easy to pick out in her gown, the solid hue distinctive. Amid the lighter, pastel colors, she was a dramatic highlight; as intended, she was the cynosure of all eyes.

She carried off her role with shameless abandon; no one watching her would suspect her primary aim was to display her necklace rather than boost her haughty self-importance. The fact there were always two of their ladies flanking her, like acolytes attending a master, only emphasized the image of commanding arrogance she projected.

As he tacked through the crowd, he saw the others — Martin, Lucifer, Simon — like him, scanning the throng. On the outskirts, Cottsloe kept watch from the terrace, while Sugden stood in the shadow of the shrubbery, keeping an eye on Patsy and Morry, and on everything else.

The dogs were greeting countless children. Luc headed that way, intent on asking Sugden if he could identify a number of men he himself could not. Nothing immediately worrying about that — all invited had been told to bring any houseguests. It was summer, and many country families had friends or family from London or elsewhere staying.

Moving through the crowd, Luc saw General Ffolliot standing to one side watching the fiddlers play. He changed course and joined him, nodding genially.

'Just watching our two.' The General indicated Fiona and Anne, arm in arm, watching the dancers.

Luc smiled. 'I'd meant to thank you for allowing Fiona to spend so much time with us in London. Her confidence is a boon to Anne.'

'Oh, aye — she's confident enough, is Fiona.' After a moment, the General cleared his throat, and somewhat diffidently asked, 'Actually, I'd meant to have a word myself, but that business of the thimble distracted me.' He shot Luc a glance from under his shaggy brows. 'You haven't heard anything about Fiona having dealings with any man, have you?'

Luc raised his brows, genuinely surprised. 'No. Nothing.' He hesitated, then asked, 'Have you reason to suspect she has?'

'No, no!' The General sighed. 'It's just that she's… well, changed since she's returned home. I can't put my finger on it…'

After a moment, Luc said, 'If you like, I could mention your concern to my wife. She's close to both Emily and Anne. If Fiona has mentioned anything…'

The General studied his daughter, then gruffly said, 'If you would, that would be most kind.'

Luc inclined his head. A moment later, he parted from the General, and continued to where Sugden stood, Patsy's and Morry's leashes in one hand.

The hounds leapt and whined when they saw him, then sat, front feet dancing, ears back, tails wagging furiously. Smiling, he ran his hand over their heads, stroked Patsy's ears, sending her into a state bordering on ecstasy. 'These two have proved popular.'

'Aye — the kiddies love 'em, and the gents can't resist admiring them.'

Luc patted Morry. 'How could they not?' His tone altered. 'Have you seen anything amiss?'

'Not amiss, but there's a few here I can't place.'

Between them, they put names to all they could.

'That still leaves five men we don't know.' Impassive, Sugden had his eye on one.

Luc looked down at the dogs. 'We have four ladies we can't place, either, and there're still people arriving.'

'And from what you said, we've no idea when or from where this bounder will arrive anyway. He might not come via the front door.'

'True.' Luc focused on a small procession heading their way. Amelia and Portia were in the lead, holding hands with two children; a small tribe followed at their heels. 'What's this?'

It appeared Amelia had intended to head straight for the kennels; noticing them watching, she veered their way. With a wave, she indicated her entourage. 'We're taking the children to see Galahad.'

Luc recognized the children from the cottages by the river. 'I see.'

The older children stopped to pat Patsy and Morry; the younger ones followed, as did Portia and her charge. The girl with Amelia slipped away to join the group. Sugden talked about the pack; Luc drew Amelia aside.

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