“The Lucerne Conference, yes, I remember.” The abbot picked up his pen once more and waved it in the air. “Is there no one else?”

“It would seem not, Holiness.”

The abbot replaced his pen on the desk once more. “Am I to believe that no one else speaks English in this entire abbey? One of our many international visitors, perhaps?”

“We considered that, of course,” replied Brother Antolin. “But it was thought unwise to involve outsiders in what may turn out to be a sensitive matter.”

“Ah.” The abbot picked up his pen yet again. “You are right. Best keep this to ourselves until we know what the outcome might be.” He paused, thought for a moment, then wondered, “Have you asked at chapter?”

“I did, Eminence-before bringing it to you. But it seems those possessing a fluency with English are all in attendance at the conference.”

“How extraordinary.” The abbot resumed writing.

The secretary folded his hands before him and awaited the result of his superior’s deliberation.

Presently the Abbot of Montserrat finished the sentence he was writing and asked, “Have you seen this fellow?”

“Yes, Eminence. He appears ordinary enough-though he is dressed very oddly.”

“Some would say the same of us,” observed Abbot Cisneros.

“Indeed, Eminence.”

“You say the local police merely dropped him off at the gate with the porter, is that right?”

Brother Antolin nodded. “That is what I understand.”

“And no one can be found to speak to him?”

“It is thought that Brother Lazarus knows someone-an occasional assistant, a German nun, I believe-who speaks English.”

“Aha!” The abbot raised his pen triumphantly. “Summon the sister and proceed accordingly.” He returned to his writing. “Oh-and, brother, I think Prior Donato should deal with this from now on. See that he is informed of all pertinent details.”

“Tomas is in Lucerne at the conference, Eminence.”

“Of course he is.” The abbot waved him away. “Bring word when the matter has been successfully concluded.”

“It will be done.” Brother Antolin backed from the office, closing the doors as he went, and returned to his own desk in the outer vestibule where a young novitiate was waiting. Addressing the monk, he said, “Abbot Cisneros has decided to leave the matter in my hands for the time being. Take word to Brother Lazarus that I wish him to meet me at the porter’s lodge. He is to bring his assistant-the German nun. She will serve as our translator.”

After being dropped at the gate by the policeman, Kit had been left in the care of the porter, a squat Spaniard with pudgy hands and the face of a cherub. Kit spent the next few hours idling in the gatekeeper’s lodge as a sort of quasi-captive-he was not locked up, nor was he free to go, for every time he got up and tried to leave, the porter came running after him, scolding in Spanish, and he was pushed back into the lodge. Kit was given to know that he was being made to wait until adequate provision could be made for him. In the meantime he was given cool lemon water to drink and some small, dry biscuits. Occasionally church bells sounded, and once a priest came to look at him, exchanged a brief word with the porter, and disappeared again. Kit, none the wiser, was left to himself once more.

There was no point in getting stroppy with the fellow, Kit decided, and in any case getting stroppy in Spanish was quite beyond his abilities. His best option was simply to remain pleasant and compliant, and wait for whatever Providence would toss his way. The waiting continued, and the day drew on towards evening. Then, shortly after the bells in the abbey tower sounded for the third time, Kit heard voices in the gravel yard outside. The door opened, and the gatekeeper motioned for Kit to come out. He was met by three priests: two very large hulks in dusty, worn habits-manual workers, Kit decided-and the priest who had looked in on him earlier.

“Gracias,” he said, marshalling the little Spanish he possessed. The priest smiled, patted him on the bare shoulder, and motioned him to follow. Happy to oblige if it meant he could at last leave the confines of the gatehouse, Kit stepped out into a day fading towards evening. The jagged grey peaks, blushing pink in the light of the setting sun, soared high above the abbey precinct, casting all in shadow. The air was already starting to cool with the approach of night.

The little delegation climbed a long, winding boulevard to an enclosed courtyard. One side of the courtyard fronted the great abbey church, which seemed to be carved into the very stone of the mountain; on another side was a grand stone edifice with a baroque facade. Kit was conducted into the building, where a tiled vestibule gave way to a long panelled corridor that smelled of beeswax and wood polish. He was marched to a waiting room that contained nothing but wooden chairs lined up around the perimeter.

“Sientense, por favor,” said the priest.

Kit entered the room, and the door was closed behind him. “What a palaver,” he muttered.

Having spent most of the day sitting, he decided to pace instead, and occupied himself with the same questions he had been asking since his arrival. What were they doing? Why couldn’t they just let him go? What were the chances of getting a proper shirt and trousers? His animal-skin clothing, in this setting, made him look and feel ridiculous.

He was on his fourth or fifth circuit of the room when he heard voices in the corridor outside. He turned to the door just as it opened to admit an elderly, white-haired priest in a black cassock and a young woman in a crisp grey nun’s habit.

“Mio Dio!” cried the priest, upon confronting the wild man standing in the doorway. He gave a little jump, colliding with the woman entering behind him. She steadied the priest with a hand and moved around him into the room. Taking in the hairy apparition before her, the nun’s mouth fell open and her eyes went wide.

“Wilhelmina!” gasped Kit.

She leaned forward, studying his face. “Kit-is that really you under all that hair?”

“It’s me, Mina.” He started forward, his arms outstretched to embrace her. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you.”

Her hands flashed up; she reeled back. Kit hesitated. “What are you wearing?” she said. Her face wrinkled. “What is that smell?”

“It’s a long story,” replied Kit. “What are you doing here? Where are we, anyway?”

“Don’t you know?”

He shook his head. “Nobody tells me anything.”

The white-haired priest, having overcome his shock, stepped forward. “Wilhelmina,” he said in German, “do you know this… this man?”

Mina turned, grinning with joyful disbelief. “Let me introduce you to my dear friend, Kit Livingstone.”

The priest let out a little gasp of amazement. He gaped at Kit, letting his astonished gaze sweep from head to toe and back again. “Unglaublich!” he breathed, shaking his head in wonder.

“I know,” Wilhelmina agreed, watching Kit as if he might suddenly vapourise before her eyes. “It is unbelievable-but here he is! All this time we were trying to find him, and-voila! He finds us. Incredible.”

Then, turning suddenly, she grabbed Kit in a fierce hug. “Where have you been, my dear, filthy, wild-haired man?”

Kit kissed her cheek and then buried his face in the hollow of her neck. “Oh, Mina,” he sighed, surrendering to an overwhelming relief. “It is so good to see you. You don’t know-”

“Come on,” she said, pushing him away and taking his hand. “Let’s get out of here.” She cast a glance over her shoulder and spoke German to the priest, who answered, offering his hand, which Kit shook. “This is Brother Lazarus,” she said, making a quick introduction. “He is the astronomer here. We’ll go up to his quarters-we can talk and we won’t be disturbed up there.”

She said something else in German, and the priest replied with a nod. To Kit she said, “Brother Lazarus will take care of the details. He will fix things with his superiors and make the necessary arrangements. You are to be his guest.”

“Okay,” agreed Kit, “but could we eat something first? I haven’t eaten since… I don’t know when.”

“Sure-I’ll fix you a nice meal,” she told him. “But first we’re going to get you a bath-and a haircut if possible.

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