Again the shadow passed over the two elder members’ faces. They shared an anxious glance.

“We were looking forward to meeting the young man,” continued Mrs. Peelstick. “But we seem to have lost contact with Cosimo completely. It is feared they may have been taken.”

“Missing in action,” corrected Brendan. “Our last communication with Cosimo indicated that he and our dear friend Sir Henry Fayth were on a mission, and Kit is thought to have been with them. This is cause for concern, because they are pillars of the society. What has become of them is yet to be determined.”

A queasy foreboding formed in the pit of Cass’ stomach. “Taken?” she asked. Turning to Mrs. Peelstick, she said, “You used the word taken just now-what does that mean?”

“I was speaking out of turn.”

Brendan stopped walking and looked around. The dusky sky had faded to inky blue, deepening the shadows on the street. They were standing outside the gate of a tiny church. A sign in English beside the gate read Chaldean Christian Church.

“Shall we go in? You deserve a full explanation, and it will be best absorbed sitting down.” He opened the gate, and they crossed the courtyard to the door of the church and stepped in.

The interior was dark and quiet, the air fragrant with spent incense. The only light came from candles, which burned at stands set up beneath particular icons around the sanctuary. To Cass it felt like entering a cave, or perhaps a womb. An altar, with a simple golden cross flanked by two enormous beeswax candles, stood at the far end of the chancel. The short pews were empty; neither priests nor worshippers were to be seen.

“I come here sometimes to think,” explained Brendan. “It is a safe place, and we won’t be disturbed. Have a seat.” He ushered Cass to a pew.

Mrs. Peelstick continued towards the front of the sanctuary; she paused, genuflected towards the altar, and then moved to a little stand set off to one side. Taking a candle from a bundle, she lit it from one of the candles already burning and placed it in the holder with the others. She bowed her head, then crossed herself and returned to where Cass and Brendan were sitting.

Cass remained silent, letting the peaceful atmosphere wash over her. After a moment, Mrs. Peelstick said, “Go on, Brendan.”

“Where to start-that is the question.” He frowned and gazed down at his clasped hands.

“Silly man!” sniffed Mrs. Peelstick. “You’re frightening the poor girl with your theatrics. If you won’t tell her outright, then I will.” Brendan nodded. “It comes to this-there are forces that do not care to see our quest succeed. They are against us, and try to thwart us whenever and wherever they can. They pose an extremely potent threat and a very real danger to life and limb.” She concluded with a grim smile. “There. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Cass considered this. “You used the word forces just now. You mean people?”

“Human agents, yes,” replied Brendan, rousing himself once more. “But spiritual agents as well, lest we forget. As our guide Saint Paul put it, ‘For ours is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood, but with the despotisms, the empires, the forces that control and govern this dark world-the spiritual hosts of evil arrayed against us in the heavenly warfare.’”

“Now you are scaring her,” chided Mrs. Peelstick. “Honestly!”

“Do we sugarcoat it, or tell it plain?” replied Brendan. Turning once more to Cass, he said, “On the human level, our principal adversary is a man who goes by the name of Archelaeus Burleigh. He has in his hire several low thugs of varying intelligence, none to match their leader in cunning and ability. He is a clever and resourceful enemy.”

“And also, it must be said, completely ruthless,” added Mrs. Peelstick. “I have little doubt he is behind the disappearance of Cosimo and Sir Henry-assuming they have come to harm.”

“And the spiritual forces you mentioned?”

“The same as have always sought to wreak havoc on humanity and obstruct God’s good purposes in the world,” she replied in a soft voice, as if reluctant to speak aloud.

“Ancient enemies they may be, but we must never underestimate them on that account,” Brendan pointed out. “They do not grow weak and toothless in old age. Rather, they are particularly active in our special sphere of interest.” He saw Cass’ uncertain expression. ”Do you doubt this?”

“Not at all,” she answered, with more conviction than she intended. “I was just wondering why these spiritual forces you mention might have any special interest in what you’re doing?”

Brendan glanced around the church. “It is well we are talking about this here,” he said, lowering his voice. “A church is the one place they cannot eavesdrop, so to speak, on our thoughts and prayers, our plans and intentions. Remember that; it could prove helpful to you one day.”

“As to why they take a special interest,” said Mrs. Peelstick, “we believe it must be that we are probing very close to a very great spiritual breakthrough, and they know that their time is running out.”

“The transformation of the universe we talked about earlier-is that what you mean?”

“Indeed. Whatever form it takes, the fact is that opposition to our efforts has intensified out of all proportion to our somewhat meagre resources. The array of weapons against us is formidable. This leads us to believe that the quest so long and ardently pursued is nearing a critical stage.”

“The Omega Point you talked about?” said Cass.

Brendan nodded.

“And if you fail?”

Brendan spread his hands. “The world will slide back into the chaos that you see rampant around us already-wars and rumours of wars, nation against nation, brother at the throat of brother, economic instability with the rich growing ever richer and the poor suffering on a scale heretofore unimagined. But it will intensify. The universe will continue on its long, slow decline.”

“So,” concluded Cass, “Almighty God is not strong enough alone to bring about His purpose for the universe. He needs you and your society to make it happen; otherwise it has all been for nothing. Is that what you’re saying?”

Brendan only smiled. “Your cynicism is a well-honed tool.”

“I’m not cynical,” countered Cass. “Maybe a little sceptical, but believe it or not, I want to understand. I really do. I’ve experienced something that two days ago I would have said was impossible, and now here I am bouncing between Arizona and… this.” She gave a sweep of her arm to take in not only the ancient building in which they sat but the Old Quarter and city beyond. “So cut me some slack, okay? I want to believe, but you’re not making it easy.”

Brendan regarded her quietly. Mrs. Peelstick leaned nearer and said, “It is true that as a society we may be small and insignificant, weak in the face of a monstrous and powerful opposition, dwarfed by the towering magnitude of the task before us. But you know, God has always worked through the small, the insignificant, the powerless-it seems to be sewn into the very fabric of the universe.

“If you consider it for a moment,” suggested the elderly woman, “you will see that it has only ever been that way. Over and over again, we see that when anyone willingly gives whatever resources they have to Him-whether it is nothing more than five smooth stones gathered from a dry streambed or five little loaves of bread and two dried sprats-then God’s greater purpose can proceed. Small and insignificant? Undoubtedly. But on the day of decision, everything depended on those five smooth stones-with them, David killed Goliath and saved a nation.”

“Five loaves of bread became a banquet for five thousand hungry people,” Cass said thoughtfully, remembering the Bible story.

Nodding towards the front of the sanctuary where a wooden cross stood on the altar, Mrs. Peelstick concluded, “And one poor, wandering country preacher-homeless, penniless, friendless, and despised by all but a handful of no-account fishermen and a few women-gave himself so fully to God that the combined might of the two most powerful forces in his world-the Roman empire and the religious authorities-could not stop him.”

“They crushed him and killed him,” murmured Cass, gazing at the empty cross on the altar. “And look what happened.”

“Yes,” agreed Mrs. Peelstick softly, “they killed him… and look what happened.”


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