A Woman's Liberation

think two Werelian women walking alone here would be raped. I can't do it, Tualtak.'

'It can't all be like this place!' she cried, so desperate that I felt my own throat close up with tears.

'Maybe when they open the schools — there will be people from the cities then —' It was all I

had to offer her, or myself, as hope. 'Maybe if the harvest's good this year, if we can get our money, we can get on the train. .. .'

That indeed was our best hope. The problem was to get our money from the chief and his cohorts. They kept the cooperative's income in a stone hut which they called the Bank of Hagayot, and only they ever saw the money. Each individual had an account, and they kept tally faithfully, the old Banker Headman scratching your account out in the dirt if you asked for it. But women and children could not withdraw money from their account. All we could get was a kind of scrip, clay pieces marked by the Banker Headman, good to buy things from one another, things people in the village made, clothes, sandals, tools, bead necklaces, rice beer. Our real money was safe, we were told, in the bank. I thought of that old lame bondsman at Shomeke, jigging and singing, 'Money in the bank, Lord! Money in the bank!'

Before we ever came, the women had resented this system. Now there were nine more women resenting it.

One night I asked my friend Seugi, whose hair was as white as her skin, 'Seugi, do you know what happened at a place called Nadami?'

'Yes,' she said. 'The women opened the door.

All the women rose up and then the men rose up

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against the Bosses- But they needed weapons. And a woman ran in the night and stole the key from the owner's box and opened the door of the strong place where the Bosses kept their guns and bullets, and she held it open with the strength of her body, so that the slaves could arm themselves- And they killed the Corporations and made that place.

Nadami, free.'

'Even on Werel they tell that story,' I said.

'Even there women tell about Nadami, where the women began the Liberation. Men tell it too. Do men here tell it? Do they know it?-

Seugi and the other women nodded.

'If a woman freed the men of Nadami,' I said, 'maybe the women of Hagayot can free their money.'

Seugi laughed. She called out to a group of grandmothers, 'Listen to Rakam! Listen to this!'

After plenty of talk for days and weeks, it ended in a delegation of women, thirty of us. We crossed the ditch bridge onto the men's side and ceremoniously asked to see the chief. Our principal bargaining counter was shame. Seugi and other village women did the speaking, for they knew how far they could shame the men without goading them into anger and retaliation. Listening to them, I heard dignity speak to dignity, pride speak to pride. For the first time since I came to Yeowe I felt I was one of these people, that this pride and dignity were mine.

Nothing happens fast in a village. But by the next harvest, the women of Hagayot could draw their own earned share out of the bank in cash.

'Now for the vote,' I said to Seugi, for there was As 260 a

A Woman's Liberation

no secret ballot in the village. When there was a regional election, even in the worldwide Ratification of the Constitution, the chiefs polled the men and filled out the ballots. They did not even poll the women. They wrote in the votes they wanted cast-But I did not stay to help bring about that change at Hagayot. Tualtak was really ill and halfcrazy with her longing to get out of the marshes, to the city. And I too longed for that. So we took our wages, and Seugi and other women drove us in an oxcart on the causeway across the marshes to the freight station. There we raised the flag that signaled the next train to stop for passengers.

It came along in a few hours, a long train of boxcars loaded with marsh rice. heading for the mills of Yotebber City. We rode in the crew car with the train crew and a few other passengers, village men. I had a big knife in my belt, but none of the men showed us any disrespect. Away from their compounds they were timid and shy. I sat up in my bunk in that car watching the great, wild, plumy marshes whirl by, and the villages on the banks of the wide river, and wished the train would go on forever.

But Tualtak lay in the bunk below me. coughing and fretful. When we got to Yotebber City she was so weak 1 knew I had to get her to a doctor. A man from the train crew was kind, telling us how to get to the hospital on the public cars. As we rattled through the hot, crowded city streets in the crowded car, I was still happy. I could not help it.

At the hospital they demanded our citizen's registration papers.

I had never heard of such papers. Later I found 3-ttfs 261 a'-®


that ours had been given to the chiefs at Hagayot,

who had kept them, as they kept all 'their' women's papers. At the time, all I could do was stare and say, 'I don't know anything about registration papers.'

I heard one of the women at the desk say to the other, 'Lord, how dusty can you get?'

I knew what we looked like. I knew we looked dirty and low. I knew I seemed ignorant and stupid. But when I heard that word 'dusty' my pride and dignity woke up again. I put my hand into my pack and brought out my freedom paper, that old paper with Erod's writing on it, all crumpled and folded, all dusty.

'This is my Citizen's Registration paper,' I said in a loud voice, making those women Jump and turn. 'My mother's blood and my grandmother's blood is on it- My friend here is sick. She needs a doctor. Now bring us to a doctor!'

A thin little woman came forward from the corridor. 'Come on this way,' she said. One of the deskwomen started to protest. This little woman give her a look.

We followed her to an examination room.

'I'm Dr. Yeron,' she said, then corrected herself.

'I'm serving as a nurse,' she said. 'But I am a doctor. And you — you come from the Old World? from Werel? Sit down there, now, child, take off your shirt. How long have you been here?'

Within a quarter of an hour she had diagnosed Tualtak and got her a bed in a ward for rest and observation, found out our histories, and sent me off with a note to a friend of hers who would help me find a place to live and a job.

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A Woman's Liberation

'Teaching!' Dr. Yeron said. 'A teacher! Oh, woman, you are rain to the dry land!'

Indeed the first school I talked to wanted to hire me at once, to teach anything I wanted. Because I come of a capitalist people, I went to other schools

to see if I could make more money at them. But I came back to the first one. I liked the people there.

Before the War of Liberation, the cities of Yeowe, which were cities of Corporation-owned assets who rented their own freedom, had had their own schools and hospitals and many kinds of training programs. There was even a University for assets in the Old Capital. The Corporations, of course, had controlled all the information that came to such institutions, and watched and censored all teaching and writing, keeping everything aimed towards the maximization of their profits. But within that narrow frame the assets had been free to use the information they had as they pleased, and city Yeowans had valued education deeply. During the long war, thirty years, all that system of gathering and teaching knowledge had broken down. A whole generation grew up learning nothing but fighting and hiding, famine and disease. The head of my school said to me, 'Our children grew up illiterate, ignorant. Is it any wonder the plantation chiefs just took over where the Corporation Bosses left off? Who was to stop them?'

passion that only education would lead to freedom. They were still fighting the War of Liberation.

Yotebber City was a big, poor, sunny, sprawling city with wide streets, low buildings, and huge old shady trees. The traffic was mostly afoot, with cycles

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