never seen before, a very odd

lot–pale, fat men in cheap suits,

pimply boys, middle-aged women with

brassy hair and stiletto heels, thick thighs in a miniskirt, mantilla. She staggered half-hysterical, supported with a pencil mustache and small, dry, tired, dogged woman rusty black.</FONT></P>

and a highly visible young woman with a halter top, and a black cotton lace along after the coffin weeping aloud, on one side by a scared-looking man two-tone shoes, on the other by a in her seventies dressed entirely in

<P><FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='2'>At the far edge of the crowd I saw a native guide with whom I

had struck up a lightweight

friendship, a young viscount, son

of the Duke of Ist, and I worked my

way toward him. It took quite

a while, as everyone was streaming

along with the slow procession

of the coffin-bearers and their entourage toward the King&#146;s limousines

and horse-drawn coaches that waited

near the Palace gates. When

I finally got to the guide I said, &quot;Who is it? Who are they? &quot;</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='2'>&quot;Sissie,&quot; he said almost in a wail, caught up in the general grief&#150;&quot;Sissie

died last night!&quot; Then, coming

back to his duties as guide and pleasant aristocratic manner,

he looked at me, blinked back his

tears, and said, &quot;They&#14 6;re our


<P><FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='2'>&quot;And Sissie&#150;? &quot;</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='2'>&quot;She&#146;s, she was, their daughter. The only daughter.&quot; Do what he

could, the tears would well into his

eyes. &quot;She was such a dear

girl. Such a help to her mother,

always. Such a sweet smile. And

there&#146;s nobody like her, nobody.

She was the only one. Oh, she

was so full of love. Our poor little

Sissie!&quot; And he broke right

down and cried aloud.</FONT></TD> <TD></TD>




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<P><FONT FACE='Arial,Helvetica' SIZE='2'>&quot;The Royals of Hegn&quot; by Ursula K. Le Guin, copyright &copy; 1999 by

Ursula K. Le Guin, used by permission of the

author </FONT></TD>




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