What story could the police concoct from this? And what about the army, or whoever it was this bastard worked for? Got to get this right. Jo, in the car. Mister Wolf beside the car. Then Natasha's chains. Then Misterwolf again.
Then the gun.
Dragging the man across the road was harder than he had expected. Whatever strength had come to him had drizzled away again, and he grunted and huffed as he pulled Mister Wolf by the legs. The man mumbled something as they approached the ruined car, and Tom stood over him again with the gun pointing at his face. But the mumbling stopped, the breathing became harsh and uneven, and Tom lifted him into a sitting position against the car.
That done, he returned to the BMW and started rooting through the spilled tools. All the time he kept an ear open for any approaching vehicles, wondering just what he could do if someone came along now. There was surely some believable story he could come up with given time, but right now he was not in the mood for creating stories. Right now, he simply wanted to leave.
He found a pair of bolt croppers. They were old and rusty, but still the blades had been kept sharp and oiled, and the action was smooth. He leaned into the car, uncovered Natasha and got to work on the chains. He wanted to cut them as little as possible, because he had need of them. It took four broken links before he was able to unwrap the chains totally from Natasha, taking care not to pull off parts of her body as he extracted a few sections that were buried deep with her rotten clothing. Finally the last length came away. 'You're free,' he said, and from somewhere far away he heard a sigh.
Mister Wolf was still leaning against the ruined car, unconscious. His chin rested on his chest, dribble darkened his shirt, and blood dripped from the wound at his temple. Tom thought he saw him breathing, but he did not want to move close enough to see for sure.
It was time to find out whether his plan would really work.
The chain was long enough to wrap twice around the man's head and the steering column of Tom's wrecked car. Tom joined the chain at the base of Mister Wolf's neck with two of the broken links, using the bolt croppers to squeeze the snipped ends together. He supposed that the man would be able to work the chain around and perhaps prise the snapped links apart, but he would not be able to see what he was doing, and it would take a long time.
Someone would have found him by then.
Lastly, the gun. Tom cleaned it as well as he could with his shirt, found the button that ejected the magazine, then placed the unloaded weapon on the ground beside Mister Wolf. He pocketed the magazine, then stood back to survey his work, frowning. He knelt again, grabbed the gun, lifted the man's hand and curled his finger into the trigger guard, pressing it onto the trigger.
Shit, he had no idea what he was doing! In the movies this would work, but this was not a bloody movie. He was not quite sure whether it was real life, either, but whatever it was he had to get going. Whatever he had done here would be found soon enough, and while Mister Wolf answered questions with the police, he and Natasha would be gone.
'Gone for Steven,' Tom said, standing, glancing into the car at his dead wife, remembering the birth of their son. Jo had been screaming, and Tom had been crying so much that he could barely see. 'Gone for Steven, Jo.' Damn. She had died without even knowing there might still be a chance.
Something touched his crotch.
'Move and you lose them.'
Tom looked down. Mister Wolf had raised his head, lifted the gun, and now he was pressing it into Tom's scrotum.
'No bullets,' Tom said, revealing the tip of the magazine in his pocket. But something prevented him from moving; he had never touched a gun before, and he had no idea how they really worked.
'Always keep one in the hole,' Mister Wolf said.
Tom bit his lip. Learning all the time.
'I'm going to shoot you now.'
'What's your name?' Tom asked.
'Your name? What's your name?' Tom looked down. The man was frowning, right eye swollen half-shut and thick with blood, face pale, and his head was swaying from side to side as if it hurt to hold it up.
'I'm Tom.'
'You're dead.'
'I'm Tom.' He had no idea what he was doing. Stalling for time? Trying to start a conversation with this killer pressing a gun into his balls?
'Huh?' Cole looked woozy, and his head dipped down to his chest, then up again. The gun never moved a millimetre. 'Shut the fuck up, Tom,' he said. His voice sounded stronger. His left eye focused on Tom's face and stayed focused. 'Where is she?'
'I told you, I hid her back—'
'I'm tied up with her chains, shithead.'
Damn! Tom pursed his lips and looked along the road. Please come now, please come now, someone, anyone, please please I don't want to die like this, with my balls blown off for the birds to come and take away. …
And then Natasha woke up.
Tom squeezed his eyes shut as he felt her worm inside his mind, her presence fresh and seemingly renewed. She rooted around, finding things. She felt vibrant and … alive!
Only one bullet to dodge, Daddy? she said. Well then, he's in pain, dizzy, and I'll be able to give you one chance.
'What… ?' Tom said, but Cole suddenly cried out in pain and pushed the gun harder into Tom's balls. Here it comes, he thought.
Cole squeezed the trigger. For the first time in his life he was actually looking forward to killing someone. His head hurt like hell, his temple felt weak and mushy, and the headache meant he could barely even open his one good eye. The piece of shit deserved to die.
He squeezed harder.
'What?' Tom said.
Natasha came. She erupted from Cole's subconscious, throwing open the doorways of his deeper mind, gushing up into the foggy streets of his awareness, shouting and screaming and raging like the insane berserker she was. There was no sense or meaning to her outburst, though he read the hatred it contained. He could not make out any single words, but her mockery and derision was obvious in the scream, driving into and filling his waking mind with such loathing that he could only shrink back under its assault. She gave him the violence she had always possessed. He tried to curl into a ball. He dropped the gun and grabbed his head in both hands, ignoring the pain from his temple, feeling the sticky blood there and wishing the wound would vent Natasha from his mind.
'Get out,' he whispered, because he had little strength for anything more.
Get out get out get out! she screeched, whining like a little girl who knew far too much.
'Leave me,' he said.
Leave me leave me … Mister Wolf, fuck you, you can suck my ass, fuck you Mister Wolf, you'll lose, you've already lost!
'No,' Cole said. And with a monumental effort, fighting through the agonies of his body and the torture in his mind, he opened his eyes, saw the gun lying next to him and reached for it.
A wavering, fuzzy shape grew smaller in his vision as Roberts fled.
Cole screamed, aimed the gun and fired.
Cole fell away from Tom, dropped the gun and curled into a ball.
Daddy, it's time to run, Natasha said, her voice calm and considered. One chance, Daddy. He's got one round, and you've got one chance.
Tom panicked, dropped the bolt croppers, stepped over the groaning man and headed for the BMW. His balls ached, he felt sick, the painful glow radiating up from his stomach almost bending him double.