
fracture such arrangements, and there is a parting of the ways.

Spontaneous Communities

Spontaneous group formation will be the most prevalent mode in the chaos of the early days of the Aftertime.

Crises brings out the worst and best in individuals, heroes and leadership, a sense of responsibility for the larger

group, and a willingness to share offset by demonstrations of utter selfishness when fear takes hold, desertion of

loved ones no matter how frail and desperate they may be, and loud demands to be taken care of before all

others. Thus, survivors will find themselves with their truth test, in regard to what individuals they might want

to join with or avoid. Those who have run from the cities will find themselves wandering for a time, but most

likely will settled into either:

1. frank wilderness living, with makeshift tents and hunting and gathering for food

2. farm stead’s, where the farming family finds the newcomers to their liking and needs willing hands

3. waterworld living, where a boat or houseboat is constructed or located and coastlines traveled[2/5/2012 11:19:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Survivor Allegiance

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ZetaTalk: Survivor Allegiance

written Sep 2, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio

Decisions will have to be made. In an ideal situation everyone is good hearted, everyone is reasonable, they all share.

This is the optimal situation. But in reality, life will not be that dissimilar from today, when decisions are made.

Families say they are kicking a family member out of the house, for various reasons, or someone is fired from a job or

no longer allowed in an association. This will be no different. People will make their decisions, for good reasons or for bad. Lets say they are for good reasons, lets say there is somebody who threatens the survival of the entire group, they have an unreasonable attitude, they don’t want to work, they don’t want to assist, they want a larger share, they create arguments, being selfish. The decision is made that if the group is to survive, because perhaps it has come to that, this person must be ejected.

In this matter, think more of those you are protecting, the little children in the group, those who roll up their sleeves and are willing to do whatever is required. They deserve equal time, so to speak, and consideration with this person

who is threatening the group. In some cases, you will have to move, you will have to pick up and leave, even in the

dead of night, with your dependents, to get away from a situation that is overwhelmingly bad. Think less of your sense

of responsibility to those who are trouble makers, or thinking of themselves and trying to get their larger share, or

dictate to or dominate the group. Think less of your obligation to them and more of your obligation to those who

deserve your time and attention in these matters. This would be our advice on those ethical dilemmas.[2/5/2012 11:19:01 AM]

ZetaTalk: Elite Enclaves

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ZetaTalk: Elite Enclaves

written Jan 10, 2004

The Zetas mentioned that the Elite are commandeering whole geographical areas and sealing

them off with landmines and armed guards; and that they are targeting survival groups upon

which to base an economy in the Aftertime. Would the Zetas care to mention any geographical

areas to avoid?

As we have mentioned, the elite have belatedly come to realize they have No Place to Run, having arrogantly assumed that their pacts with Service-to-Self aliens to lift them to safety would be honored, or this pact failing that bunkering into mountain sides would be fail safe, and that in any case all of these efforts would be guarded by the might of the

US Military. Of course, Service-to-Self aliens lie, and would in any case not be allowed to rescue those humans who

had given them the Call, as the Council of Worlds will only allow those in the Service-to-Other such an offer, in that

Earth voted to become a Service-to-Other planet during the Transformation. Thus those humans who assumed they

would be lifted to safety to cities on the dark side of the Moon or to Mars, which by all appearances would be

habitable with frozen water beneath the surface and an atmosphere capable of creating dust storms, were stunned, the

hollow cry of the Bush Administration for manned Moon stations and a manned trip to Mars only bravado in the face

of this failure.

Bunkering into mountains has been a favorite theme since the days of Mt. Weather, only the barest revelation of a

massive undertaking to go underground, from Denver to Houston to Kokomo to Virginia, known to the public. As the

Earth changes have commenced, the lock-down of plates during the deep quake that peaked in the 80’s and early 90’s,

the move to domino quakes where the whole world felt the shutter of an adjustment anywhere on its surface, and the

devastating effect of stretching, not even considered in prior calculations. The term ‘rock solid’ takes on grim

overtones when this is rock that drops into the tunnels during stretching, or shifts to skew a doorway such that it cannot be opened. It is known that when rock is compressed radio static and compass interference occur, but those in

underground chambers die mysteriously during intense rock compression, a surprise to their human masters who

suddenly find themselves making other plans at this late hour.

The US Military, as we have mentioned and as has been suspected since the August vacation time of grim faces all

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