simply the capability of man, as in the past mankind would recoup and build again. Circumstances are different this time, not simply dependent upon
spare time, or the ability to return to manufacturing of parts, and holding schools to educate survivors. With the
exception of
specialized skills increase the stockholder and owner return on investment, but bode ill for recouping the process in the Aftertime. A specialist, dead, can defeat the entire process. What will doom mankind, in his ambitions to restore is
current perch on the mountain tops, his technological tools and toys, is
mankind’s technology will be[2/5/2012 11:19:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Short Wave
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Short Wave will be the communication mode of survivors, but this is
be purchased today, and used by the military in the field.
written instructions ahead of time, and many will! The community does not need[2/5/2012 11:19:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Magnetic Pulse
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Mankind's electrical equipment is sensitive to surges, brown-outs, and the many magnets used in their technology are
affected by strong pulse. Will the pole shift, described as magnetic in nature, utterly destroy mankind’s technology,
carefully packed? What should be remembered is that the pole shift does
that they made it up.
Go back into history, during all the solar cycles, and see what horrific effects were experienced. Did mankind lose his compasses? Hardly. There will be spotty Electro Magnetic Pulse, due to the core swirling, but this will be
copper wire or whatnot, that can protect against EMP. We would as general advice guard technology against
shattering, being thrown or dropped. EMP is so unlikely, that if it does occur is likely[2/5/2012 11:19:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Safe Water
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The Earth, in its abundance, currently provides man with what appears to be limitless fresh water. Except where man
has defiantly chosen to set up housekeeping in the middle of a desert or ocean, fresh, pure water is not expected to be a problem. It rushes by in streams and rivers, pools in lakes, and if not found on the surface can almost always be found in the underground rivers and lakes. Should one be concerned about the purity of the water on the surface, one could
always catch the rain which falls, unsullied, from the sky. Up until recently man's only worry about water was how to
transport it and how to avoid it during times of flooding. Since the Industrial Age man has merrily poured poisons into his drinking water, both on the surface and through seepage into the ground water. Bottled water has become more
than a fad.
After the cataclysms mankind's problems with his water supply will take a quantum leap. Water, from all sources, may
be poisoned, with the old standby, rainwater, failing to provide potable water. During the pole shift volcanoes, old and new, will violently explode. The resulting ash will sift down from the upper atmosphere for decades, poisoning ground
water. Humans driven to drink this gritty water will find more than grit between their teeth, they will find their nervous system beginning to fail them, their eye sight fading, and their digestive system intolerant of any food