Many works talk of the passage, but ZetaTalk is the first and
pain, as the reality that they and their loved ones will die, often painfully, and their lives as lived today hollow, their
leadership lying to them, is painful. Thus, they blunt the
We have courage, and are working with our emissary Nancy as we are because of
Comparisons to ZetaTalk are constantly being made. As we have pointed out, at least
from higher or other sources are false. The perpetrators
the deliberate falsehoods perpetrated, there are the valid or semi-valid messages. Of these, the contactee is often
mixing in their own fear or prejudices, coloring the message. Of these, the aliens communicating with the contactee or
channel may have their own reluctance to announce the truth, as the coming Earth changes will be horrific for most of
mankind. Then there are those valid messages relayed, which are confused as to context. As with Cayce, who describe
Earth changes the week of the rotation stoppage, or during the hour of the shift,
message to their situation,
understanding this.
Our general advice to mankind it to evaluate
to be just so much hot air, and worthless, then it
please don't bother asking us for a comparison to garbage![2/5/2012 11:39:43 AM]
ZetaTalk: Disincarnate Opportunists
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Where on a mass level the battle has been won, on individual levels the battle is not over until the soul leaves its
Earthly domain. We are speaking here not only of souls residing inside a human body, but of the vast majority of souls
who are still, as it were, hanging around waiting for their next opportunity. At this stage of your spiritual development,
you develop most rapidly while incarnated. During the tumultuous times ahead, there will be opportunities. There will
be spirits who cannot tolerate the distress, and beg to leave their body. This decision is voluntary, within the bounds of
what the individual soul can arrange. Therefore, disembodied souls can take charge of a human body, and continue
their learning experience, under these circumstances.
Those of the Service-to-Self orientation seek new recruits. The Service-to-Self orientation is very hierarchical and
structured. The pecking order is precise. As with any such group, new recruits invariably start at the bottom. We need
not say more to explain why those of the Service-to-Self orientation are eagerly awaiting the despair and abandonment
many will feel during the coming times. They are seeking new recruits! Thus, for the Service-to-Self, an opportunity to
incarnate as a walk-in is an opportunity to influence human affairs.[2/5/2012 11:39:44 AM]
ZetaTalk: Annunaki
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The Annunaki are the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, spoken of in many names in the legends of man as is their
planet - Marduk, Wormwood, the 12th Planet, and lately the inbound Planet X discovered by NASA in 1983. These
giants were approximately 50% larger than man, as their home planet is more dense and massive and the gravity on
the surface that much stronger. Larger bones are needed to support life there. These giants came to Earth during the
passages of their home planet, which traverses the solar system every 3,657 years, as the ancient Sumerians recorded.
They mined for gold, a mineral rare on their wandering planet which spent much of it’s orbit hovering between the two
binary suns it orbits - the Sun and it’s dark twin some 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances from the Sun. Much ZetaTalk exists
on this matter in the Worlds and Science and Rules section of ZetaTalk, so we will not be redundant on this matter.
However, until recently, there was a Service-to-Self scam ongoing by aliens and humans in contact with these aliens
regarding terrifying humanity with warnings about a
distance in the solar system from mankind on Earth, though allowed to continue mining operations on a moon of Mars.
Due to the Rules of Engagment between ourselves and these Service-to-Self aliens we could not discuss this scam
without engaging them, and our efforts were needed elsewhere, so we declined the engagement. Since the scam has
been dropped, we can now discussion this. There will be