portrayed. The Celestine Prophecy should be read as the poetry it is, and not taken literally. If a man calls his beloved the light of his life, the beacon by which he is guided toward true love, one should not look for a headlight planted on

the beloved's forehead. Look to the underlying meaning, and listen with your heart.

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ZetaTalk: Way of Explorers

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ZetaTalk: Way of Explorers

Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

A difficulty facing those who would have the cover on the alien presence lifted is how to let the truth out with less than

a bang, how to say that formerly there were lies but today there is truth, how to avoid scrutiny for past lies and how to

do all this while protecting the egos and reputations of the dozens of individuals who might be affected. One means is

to have the messengers be popular and beloved, as the populace is then less prone to shoot the messenger. Another

means is to create a buffer, where those who are now ostensibly talking can remain anonymous. And yet another

means is to have the messenger be viewed as impeccable, a rock of integrity. The former astronauts, whom the pubic

has no doubt were silenced, are the perfect messengers. Thus recent efforts by the astronauts to get the truth out should be taken seriously.

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ZetaTalk: Far Journeys

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ZetaTalk: Far Journeys

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

The author of the book Far Journeys is spinning fiction, as can be quickly demonstrated. His proposition is that aliens

who cannot themselves generate emotion can siphon this off from an emotional species. This is physiological

nonsense. If a species is not experiencing emotion themselves, lacking the pathways in the brain and the hormonal

stimulants, they cannot experience this vicariously. There are those who wish to alienate humans from any contact

with visitors from other worlds in order to retain control over humans society, but this author is doing so purely for the

profit motive. Fear sells books, as people are quicker to stay abreast of bad news than good, a fact to which any

newspaper operator will attest.

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ZetaTalk: Cosmic Voyage

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ZetaTalk: Cosmic Voyage

Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

Though well intended, the author of this book is receiving a mixture of correct and incorrect information, from alien

entities from both spiritual orientations. He is unable to sort this out and has shuffled all together into a hopeless

tangle. Where it may be true that aliens would like to use him as a communication vehicle, none of those sending him

messages is satisfied with the results! Therefore, unless he learns to discern and becomes a messenger for one group or

the other, he is likely to be abandoned. The tale about Mars and Martians is absurd, as Mars was never capable of

sustaining an intelligent species, and where Mars was indeed a temporary mining outpost for the giant hominoids from

the 12th Planet they were quarantined from Earth, not transplanted here. Since the book is a garble of truth and fiction,

however well written, we would not recommend it be read by any but the most discerning, and then taken with a grain

of salt.

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ZetaTalk: ET 101

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ZetaTalk: ET 101

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

A very popular notion during this New Age period is the idea of being a Star Child. Anyone who feels less than special

can claim this status, and who's to say otherwise when incarnations cannot be deciphered on the outside - both home

grown and star wanderer spirits look the same when incarnated into a human body. However, where the vast majority

of those claiming Star Child status are bogus and well know it, a few are genuine. Such authors as Scott Mandelker

and Brad Steiger are among the few who are genuine Star Children, with a mission to assist mankind during the

Awakening by describing reincarnation in a fashion that many can relate to - less ethereal and more down- to-earth and

humorous, and filled with specific examples. In this, they have succeeded, and enjoy continuing success.

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ZetaTalk: Secret Vows

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