jump out of the body, the human finds they can go out of the body at will, but they cannot describe the mechanism as it

is, after all, a skill of the soul, not of the human body that the soul inhabits. Out-Of-Body is not a particular position or a particular mind set, and it is not really a voluntary activity on the part of the human. This is not something that a

human can teach itself, because it is a lesson that the soul must experience.

Most often, in humans, it occurs in trauma or impending death, the sense of the spirit that the body will die. It is

stepping away as though jumping out of the fire. The soul often jumps out of the body just as death is happening, as

those who have come back from Near Death experiences can relay. They were watching the scene. Even though the

point of death experience is remembered by spiritus, this pales in the flood of other experiences and tends to be not

remembered until a similar instance returns, such as the death of the current incarnation.

Once entities learn how to do this, they want to do this often. If they don't return voluntarily, on their own, they are

returned by their spirit guides, who watch over the incarnated entities like school yard monitors, ensuring that the

incarnation proceeds by the rules. These temporary exits are self limiting, as the guides force the entity back into its

physical body after a time. No skipping out of school. During 3rd Density the entity is required absolutely to be

incarnated, as this is where it learns the fastest. There are occasional Out-Of-Body experiences, but in the main, 3rd

Density is a grounded experience.

During 4th Density the entity is also incarnated, but is aware of the potential separation of the spirit from the body, and Out-Of-Body experiences are openly discussed among all - a fact of life. 4th Density is a long plateau, where many

lessons are solidly mastered. During 4th Density, the entity increasingly finds itself Out-Of-Body, and thus is getting

familiar with life without a body. Moving into 5th and 6th Density, then, the entity is comfortable without a body, and

finds its learning experiences can continue apace with or without. However, depending on the determination of the

entity and lessons to be learned, these 5th and 6th Density entities may find themselves incarnated, even back on a 3rd

Density world such as the Earth is at present.

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ZetaTalk: Walk-in

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ZetaTalk: Walk- in

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

A walk-in is where a naturally evolved Earth entity vacates its human body and then an entity from another world

enters, incarnating. When a walk-in takes place, it is not because the entity has left temporarily, but, like death, has left permanently. This occurs when the entity essentially wishes to commit suicide, and would do so if the walk-in were

not allowed. The spirit guides are aware of this, conferences take place, and all is agreed. Since this changes the nature of the incarnation agreement, it is like an amended incarnation agreement, terminating the incarnation for one entity,

but instituting this for another. Walk-ins are very rare, although they get a lot of press. Possessions are one such

instance, and exorcism is where the original entity is persuaded to return. Another example of a walk-in is where there

is extremely important work to be done, but the incarnated entity does not feel up to it. This occurs only where there

had been conferences between the entity incarnated and the entity desiring to enter. Also present in these instances is a mission that both feel is important. However, if a human, being miserable, wishes to end his life and inadvertently

gives The Call to the Service-to-Self crowd, he may be mis-informed as to the mission. The Service-to-Self crowd is

not noted for truthfulness. One should not assume that disincarnate entities are waiting around for an opportunity to

jump in, or that this would be allowed by the spirit guides, in any case. As we say, this is an extremely rare occurrence.

Service-to-Self entities from other worlds rarely do walk-ins unless the stakes are high. The reason is simple. They

don't give a darn about anything except themselves; they have more power and fluency in the higher densities; and in

agreeing to a walk-in they are stuck in the human body until death can be arranged. Although suicide can end a walk-

in, and often does when the walk-in has occurred by a Service-to-Self entity, the suicide itself involves pain that the entity would rather not experience. Walk- ins by those in the Service-to-Self should be looked for where humans in

positions of authority begin acting strangely and reverse some prior decisions in a manner that would benefit those in

the Service-to- Self. An example might be a judge ruling that oppression of an underclass should continue, an act that

would cause elitism in the upper classes to increase and despair and hopelessness in the underclass to likewise

increase. A walk-in by the Service-to-Self might be suspect in this case only if this is a change from the prior tone of

rulings and this changed tone continues, affecting other aspects of the judge's life.

Note: added during the November 9, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

There is a misunderstanding about incarnations. The spirit has memories, from past lives, but when incarnating as a walk-in relies on the humans memories. The human, thus, experiences few new memories, unless the spirit is sharing

conclusions or deja-vu feelings with the new human. The human left by the spirit does not feel a void of memories at all.

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