than took place in 3rd Density. A rigid hierarchy with rules for everything emerges so that the lessons can proceed.
For the Service-to-Other entity their spiritual wisdom continues to grow and augments rather than detracts from their
intellectual progress. Skills in team efforts, where the individual is not required to sacrifice but can learn and grow
while contributing are honed. Where the focus at the beginning of 3rd Density was self awareness, by the end of 4th
Density in the Service-to-Other orientation the focus has expanded to be on group awareness.[2/5/2012 11:51:45 AM]
ZetaTalk: Aborted Entities
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Does it happen that an incarnation in an intelligent species does not result in a forming entity? Most definitely, and
this happens frequently in the early stages. The spark is not lit, and after death dissipation occurs. Souls spark or do
not, and mostly do
environment interesting.
action on the part of the birthing envoys, who are there to gather what emerges, but rather to lack of action having
taken place within the body. Thus, those aliens assisting will be gathering the
indolent lifestyle, lack of native intelligence, or lack of stimulation. In this regard, the challenging, stressful life is a
benefit, rather than a drawback.
Challenge can be viewed as puzzled to be solved, or very emotional situations, or situations requiring much
determination. Thus, a child crippled, determined to continue his role in the group, will
puzzle, that requires mental work as well as emotional accompaniment. At times, a soul sparks in a virgin incarnation
when the human is old, is longing to help young mothers and their infants but barely able to do so because of infirmity.
At other times, as in the crippled child, the opportunity for sparking comes early, and strengthens throughout the life.
As we have stated, being born beautiful, and having a life without cares, is
all, as such an incarnation is viewed not only to be an assist, on occasion, to the entity but an opportunity for those
about him.
Helping others to spark, or develop into Service-to-Other, is a challenge such that the Spirit Guides are busy. Those
humans wishing to assist others in their spiritual development are advised to
problems, let
has befallen. Focus on the overall well-being of the group or environment, the assist that the new one has made, to
instill pride and motivation. The stuff of souls congeals in conscious beings as it is interesting. It is more an issue of
attraction to an environment. The stuff of souls has this innate nature, to
times with the human incarnated.[2/5/2012 11:51:45 AM]
ZetaTalk: Spark
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Unsparked souls are fuzzy, aware of themselves as separate entities from other humans or animals, but basically dazed
and wandering about, gap mouthed. They are taking it all in, as the first passage, the first tour, the first time visiting a
place. Unless some matter occurs to
comfort of the self to assist the other, no sparking occurs. A lazy life, lived in a local indolent with simple tasks, or
taken out by early childhood illness, will not spark. There is a greater percentage of unsparked souls in those continents
or locales where life is a simple struggle, not industrialized, not in high communication with other cultures. Thus,
Third World countries have a higher percentage of unsparked souls. Thus, rural areas have a higher percentage of
unsparked souls that urban areas. Thus, the corridors of power almost invariably have older souls, as this is deemed a
high impact zone, given to high drama for choices.
As Earth is hominoid inhabited, the obvious choice of a Star Child background to assist developing souls on Earth
would be hominoid. However, the entire gamut of past life forms are found. The reason is that it is the
of the entity, the skill set, the past roles they have played well, the strong desire to make a difference, that determines
the choices of which volunteers to allow first incarnation opportunities. Star Children are found in all walks, but most
often where existing incarnations are undecided, or they can support the Transformation. Thus, they would be unlikely