soul in a
young body feels, most often, strange and apart until meeting others of his kind.[2/5/2012 11:51:47 AM]
ZetaTalk: Why Incarnations
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At what point do incarnations cease to be a learning tool? Humans entranced with Out-of-Body experiences imagine
this to be a
consider such skipping out of school an advantage.
Incarnations trap the developing soul in a body with limitations, lesson 1.
Incarnations create the need to be creative, and resourceful, lesson 2.
Incarnations put the developing soul in pain and distress, frustration, longing, so that the soul has empathy later
for others in this situation, lesson 3.
Thus, incarnation are seen as a tool, and until the soul has grown
as many Near Death Experiencers will tell you that they viewed their moment of death from
Torture, or intense pain, will likewise cause the soul to jump out of the body, and the body and soul then remember
this and attempt to repeat it. This is discouraged by the Spirit Guides, who consider this skipping out of school, and
the soul is forced back into the body by various means. As you mature, and move forward into higher densities, this
desire to skip out of school will cease.
Many life forms in 3rd Density are incapable of manipulating their environment. They can have empathy with each
other, the key ingredient for development
technology is not possible. We have mentioned that Crop Circles are done by water creatures who could not travel to
this planet unless assisted. They function in 4th and even 5th Density, in this life form, but do not construct or operate
space ships. This is done for them. They are able, through physical means, primarily what you would consider
powers, to create the crop circles. Thus, technology, which is whiz-bang to humans, is merely viewed as a toy, and the
lack of technology not a reason to avoid incarnations.[2/5/2012 11:51:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: When We Die
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Humans are aware of a reception line awaiting them when they die, from the reports of Near Death Experiences - a
long tunnel with a bright white light at the end, and those now deceased who were close to them waiting or beckoning.
If the moment of death is confusing to doctors, it is no less clear in the spiritual realm. An injured body, such as one
sustaining massive brain injury, may cease to be a home for the incarnating entity months before those attending the
death watch finally pull the sheets up over the lingering beloved. It is possible, in such a circumstance, that the entity
has already been placed in another, thriving, human body - a newborn babe. On the other hand, some entities hang
around long after the body has been cremated or burned, as haunting ghosts. Beyond the issue of when the spirit leaves
the body is the spiritual issue of how the entity puts the past life to rest, judges progress made on various lessons that
were at the fore going into the incarnation, and determines any future course of action they personally might desire as
a result - critique time.
If the death was sudden and unexpected, the entity may have
the physical body dies. This invariably is the first stop after death, though it varies depending on the general orientation
of the entity and their life circumstances. Someone elderly, who had long settled their affairs in preparation for the
inevitable, might not do more than cast a backward glance on their way to the future, noting that their death was being
handled as they had anticipated. Someone in their prime, with dependent children or oldsters and many outstanding
promises, might linger at this stage, visiting those they are concerned about as a ghost, essentially an Out- Of-Body, for
days or months until they can see the outcome. This stage differs between orientations, the Service-to- Others lingering
longer due to their concern for others and the Service-to-Self wishing only to move on to future opportunities.
At times, those who have been wronged and wish for vindication or revenge may also linger at this stage, haunting in
an effort to influence humans affairs. If the spirit is lingering, it is often allowed to do so, else it avoids the current
incarnation and is distracted. As we have stated, the spirit, once sparked, does not die, and pain must be dealt with as a
resolution on future lives. Spirits are