results would
probably shock humans. As entities in higher densities, 5th and above, have mobility and often go where duty calls,
they may be wholly absent or present in great numbers, depending. Due to the Transformation, the Earth is positively
swarming with such attention at the present time. Therefore, to give a realistic picture, we will describe 2nd, 3rd, and
4th Density percentages only.
On a world by world basis there are about 1,000 dead worlds for every one that holds life. Humans are familiar enough
with their surroundings to understand conditions on other planets, and if anything, would be surprised at the percentage
capable of life. Not every life bearing planet sustains life that can develop to the level required for conscious and
intelligent thought. There are about 2,500 primordial worlds for every one that can support an intelligent species. Your
Earth, for instance, had many such species with this potential. Of these worlds that hold 3rd Density intelligent species,
the vast majority, perhaps 75%, are water babies, as the vast majority of habitable planets are essentially water planets.
These species may be crablike, fishlike, squidlike, or formed like almost any of your ocean inhabitants - an almost
infinite variety.
Of the worlds that sustain land dwelling intelligent species, the greater share, just under 60%, are reptilian. Reptilian
life forms appear first, and thus better their percentages. A minority are mammalian, above 10%, but whenever these
life forms are a candidate they beat out all other candidates as mammalian existence is highly interactive and thus a
good spiritual schoolyard for forming entities. The remaining land dwelling 3rd Density species range between birdlike
or insect types, the latter more prevalent at about 30%. Since 3rd Density is a short stop, required only for the
orientation lesson, 4th Density entities are much more prevalent. There are approximately 1,200 4th Density entities for
every forming 3rd Density entity.[2/5/2012 11:51:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Other Worlds
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Regarding physics, and whether there are differences throughout the Universe. Where there are differences in how
matter acts between the densities, there is no difference within a density. Life on other worlds is, of course, adapted to
the chemical and mineral mix indigenous on the planet. Some are silicon based, where Homo Sapiens, for instance, is
carbon based. The primary difference is in adaptation to radiation, the intensity of a given sun or other heat source.
Your sun is of moderate intensity, but there are some worlds which you could not visit in your physical form. You
would fry or quickly sicken. There are other worlds which you could not visit in physical form because of the chemical
and mineral mix. You would become poisoned. These are some of the reasons why all intelligent life forms have not
been presented to our contactees, during any adaptation orientation such as the one our emissary, Nancy, underwent.
Consequently, the Zetas have not seen all that much of the Universe either. Since the issues and the spiritual work to
be done are the same, it does not matter.[2/5/2012 11:51:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Habitable Worlds
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Due to the fact that entities from higher densities often conduct a visitation in light form, as they no longer require a
corporal body for their spiritual growth, there is often confusion as to where these entities live. Might they not live on
a beautiful planet such as Saturn? Entities in light form do not require a home planet, and tend to congregate where
less mature entities are living and developing, on or near habitable worlds, as this is where their interests lie. Life only
evolves where something akin to DNA can develop and be nurtured. Where the physical processes are essentially
explosive, as within suns, or immobilized, as on your frozen outer planets, any DNA type structure would either be
torn apart or fail to grow. What kind of thought process could a single atom maintain?
Habitable worlds are:
1. Those that are not undergoing an essentially explosive process, such as suns undergo, or are not in such close
proximity to such a process that they share the same environment. Some heat and even light generating
processes can occur within habitable worlds, and are even beneficial to life, but the line is drawn where the
explosive process tears DNA type structures apart rather than nurtures them.
2. Those that are not so far from a heat and light generating process that their atoms are essentially immobilized.
There is more variety in these types of worlds than mankind currently surmises. As long as a DNA type structure
can form and not be destroyed, life can exist. However, since the lessons to be learned during the early densities