We are not allowed to describe in great detail the means by which we shift densities. Humans on their own could not

arrive at the means, but beyond this lack of capacity entities currently in their 3rd Density existence would be unable

to deal with density shifting without creating disasters, as the Philadelphia Experiment demonstrates. Thus, where

humans may at this time understand some of the factors, and have documented the results in places such as the

Bermuda Triangle where density shifting occurs naturally, they do not have enough pieces of the puzzle to even begin

to see the picture. In this explanation of the means by which we shift densities, therefore, we will give only a general

description and be vague at certain points.

Density shifting occurs in nature, and on some worlds or under certain circumstances occurs frequently. Your world,

Earth, experiences this only intermittently at breaks in the Earth's crust where byproducts of the compression in the

Earth's core escape. These places on occasion find themselves in a flood of these byproducts, and temporary shifting

occurs. On worlds where density shifting occurs frequently 3rd Density existence is not possible. These are dead

worlds. Life dies when part of an organism is affected but the other parts are not. At best, one cell organisms survive.

Deliberate density shifting is an adaptation of what occurs naturally. Rather than a complicated affair, it is remarkably

simple. The complexity lies not in effecting the shift, but in managing the perimeter. As we have explained, the subject

of a shift can be as selective as a DNA construct or as general as everything within a defined area. How we select or

define what is to be shifted will not be described further. Once deliberately shifted, the subject of a shift remains in the target density until shifted back. It does not drift, due to our attention to the perimeter during the select and define

process. In shifting large areas, such as will occur when your world goes through its Transformation, the same

mechanism is used. If one wishes to wash a tiny area one uses a tiny hose with a pin-point nozzle at the end and uses a

steady hand or allows the directed flow to be under the control of a computer, a steadier hand. If one wishes to wash a

large area, such as when hosing out a fire, one does not concern oneself with precision as much as maintaining the

volume and force of the flow.

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ZetaTalk: Transporting

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ZetaTalk: Transporting

Note: written Sep 15, 1996

Density switching involves more than simply increasing or decreasing the vibrational level of the object to be moved,

it can also involve moving from one point in space to another, or one point in time to another. Thus, a contactee can be

picked up for a conference, taken to another place for this conference, and returned after the conference to the same

place and time as the pickup point. To the contactee, who has not experienced missing time, nothing ostensibly has

happened, yet the contactee returns with the conference recorded in his subconscious. Should there have been a

medical procedure during the visit, the contactee's body retains the result of that medical procedure upon return. This

method of arranging visits is obviously more complicated than simply picking the contactee up from a point in the

woods or asking them to walk out of their bedroom into the back yard so that they can experience a bit of missing

time. here density switching is not involved, nor manipulation of time or space. Being less complicated, this method is

most often used during a visit. However, there are special times when transporting is used.

If a contactee is extremely busy, so that arranging a bit of missing time is either a burden or a frank

impossibility during the day, transporting from one point in space and time to another may be used to arrange a

meeting. Such a transport may or may not involve a density switch, depending upon the density where the others

to be present at the meeting currently reside. If the meeting is with a number of alien visitors in 4th Density, the

contactee will be moved to that density for the meeting. The return to the point in space and time is so exacting

that the contactee may be picked up naked, and be returned into their clothing, unruffled.

If a hybrid fetus is to be extracted from a donor mother's womb, and for reasons of health the donor mother

should not experience the usual vacuum extraction method via the birth canal, then the fetus can be transported.

This is done by locating the fetus within the mother's tissue by DNA signature, and targeting that tissue and

some surrounding tissue from the mother to be transported. The perimeter is defined in such a way that the

mother's womb is barely affected but the fetus is kept snug until an alternative womb can be placed around it.

In extreme cases transporting is used to turn back the clock. These rare cases are where the permission granted

by the Council of Worlds has gone beyond allowing transporting due to a contactee's busy life or a donor

mother's health, as the Council has deemed the situation important for the Earth's Transformation. An example is

where a situation such as the death of someone of key importance has occurred, by accident. If permission is

granted, the individual may be transported from the point before death to the present, and properly attended to so

that death will not occur. Such intervention is not possible if the death has been broadcast, but is possible if few

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