truth of ZetaTalk have emerged, some hysteria has emerged among the elite. The orginal underground facilities, which

were in areas subject to flooding or mountain building, were abandoned in the plans, and new facilities such as

Kokomo begun. The problem with these new facilities is that the construction has revealed them, and thus they too are[2/5/2012 11:41:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Bunker Goverment

no longer suitable. Thus, at this time, all plans are up in the air, though any and all facilities may in fact be used by the

desperate. They will be entombed, or drowned, or attacked by angry mobs gaining entry, and thus in the true light of

Karma get what they deserve.

Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The US with their Mt Weather is not alone in their expectation that underground facilities would be the best bet in the

event of a possible pole shift. Human scientists present, in their limited view, the nuclear winter scenario, where all

life above ground would die. Humans tend to put a few facts into the mix, ignoring a massive amount of other facts,

and thus come up with wrong conclusions. This is done for several reasons,

1. the limited human IQ,

2. the desire to arrive at a conclusion and thus limiting the options,

3. limited human knowledge in the first place.

Thus, given the projection that a nuclear winter, caused by volcanic eruption, could and perhaps has in the past as in

the case of the presumed dinosaur extinction, the elite planned to go underground and live several decades thus.

In fact, as we have stated and any thorough analysis of the facts will present, dinosaur extinction was not caused by a

nuclear winter, as not all forms were so affected, thus it was species selective, not global. It was a virus, not a nuclear

winter. But given that military personnel are not know for their deep thinking, are brusque and bossy, they grabbed at

the projections and plotted their course. Given the size of the quakes, Richter 9 force worldwide, with mountain

building and renting of continental rifts, these underground facilities will hardly be a safe place. It takes little to trap an

outlet, torque an elevator such that it cannot rise or fall, and create panic in the tomb. Air circulation will not work,

slowly smothering those trapped inside. Water will find its way into underground pockets, drowning those trapped.

Electrical equipment will falter, plunging those into darkness. A fitting end of the elite who have, in their greed for

power and wealth, sent the poor into mines and such circumstances.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:41:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Slipping Grip

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ZetaTalk: Slipping Grip

written Oct 19, 2003

If the intent of the White Lie was to cause the establishment to show their hand, to show their cards, so that it would

be clear to the populace that the establishment had no intention of informing them, even in what would be considered

the last days, but rather intended to restrain and blockade them in what would be death traps such as coastal and river

basin cities, then why the need for months of delay? Would not a couple weeks have sufficed? As we stated, the

optimal date for a White Lie was around May 15, and this in part was the reason for this date being chosen. A

secondary reason for an early date within 2003, chosen for the White Lie, was to cause the establishment to not only

show their hand, but to lose their grip. How did this occur, over the months since May 15?

Going into May 15, the establishment was giving great weight to our predictions that Earth changes would occur

‘shortly’ after this date. This was based on our astonishingly accurate track record on many issues, but primarily on the

coordinates, which proved to be precise. Human astrophysics was batting almost zero while we came up with the prize

each time, the glowing corpus of Planet X landing precisely on the coordinates we had given weeks and often months

ahead of time. To grab the oil fields of the world, considered to be the currency in the Aftertime, and position the US

Military there as guards, required steps to be taken well ahead of rotation slowing or stoppage, and thus the pressing

need to go to war with Iraq, regardless of UN approval or any proof of nexus between the 911 attacks and Iraq or any

proof of terrorism intent on the part of Iraq.

The oil fields in Alaska were considered in hand, Venezuela an easy step when the time came by removing the

embattled President, defenseless Saudi a simple matter of stepping sideways from an Iraq stronghold, the fields north

of Norway virtually undefended, pipelines into the fields north of Pakistan already guarded, and Nigeria on the plate

for an easy snatch by suggesting US assistance with unrest. Thus, in order to have a stranglehold on survivors in the

Aftertime, to have complete control of the future currency, oil, the move into Iraq was necessary, and the war

proceeded on schedule. What has happened during the delay? The US Military, pushed into Iraq against their advice

and assigned like robots to move into Nigeria, rebelled, and no longer can be counted on to follow orders from the

White House. Public opinion on the need to invade Iraq has eroded as the smoking gun, evidence of weapons of mass

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