2001, inoculations should be considered safe. Gulf War syndrome was a deliberate test, the poisons and germs not

present in the general inoculations given to the public. Thus, follow the advice of doctors, and your own common

sense. They are as safe as they were last year, or a decade ago, etc. The key to look for is a great press by the

government or administering body to take the inoculations, and the setting where the public has grown restless and

demanding, with the pole shift just around the corner.

Note: below written during the July 27, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The US Military is feared, by their leaders, as they could go rogue, in pieces, and thus much discussion has occurred

about how to restrain them. This is not unlike the discussions in the halls of power in all countries, re keeping the

military as well as the common man in control. Most countries feed them well, pay them off, offer them spoils, to keep

the military in line. In other countries, they are offered a piece of the action, of power, and sit at the side of the

leadership. The US during the Gulf War, under the direction of another Bush not to be trusted, poisoned their military

personnel flagrantly. This was a test like the chemtrails, to see what germs might sicken, and weaken. This did not go

well, and has instead infected the US Military with suspicion, so that there is resistance even in the public to taking


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ZetaTalk: Medical Implants

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ZetaTalk: Medical Implants

Note: written on May 15, 2002

Imagine a government such as the Bush Administration, pondering the coming pole shift. They are not certain it will

happen as we have defined, but note our other predictions have played out and are wary enough to be stockpiling food

stuffs and beefing up the military to use as their personal defense force, or so they hope. They are wary enough to be

pretending, publicly, that chemtrails do not exist. What might be their plans re the populace at large? Playing God, as

they do in their smoke filled rooms, they divide the populace into desirable and undesirables. Those considered

desirable are uniformly white, educated, passive in nature, and likely to be dependent upon others and desperate to

cooperate. Those considered undesirable are people of color, those whose culture has taught them rebellion, or those

prone to disease. In that most undesirables can be sorted out by color, social security number and past work record, or

police record, they are not a concern. They will simply be excluded from any government sponsored survivor camp.

But what about disease? Medical records are privileged, and few doctors are likely to change this practice over the

next year.

Thus, human implants are not to locate those to be saved, but to identify those to be excluded, for medical reasons.

Those rushing to be implanted are those who need to be quickly identified in a medical emergency. Ergo, they have a

disease, genetic, or needing medication, or some such problem.

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ZetaTalk: Project Prometheus

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ZetaTalk: Project Prometheus

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

Various government project names have been floated out into the public rumor mill as false trails, the theory being that

the public will spend all their energy chasing a name, and any agents seemingly connected to the name, and will thus

not pay attention to the real action or individual involved. Project Prometheus is one such false trail, dressed up

properly in an occasional piece of paper, an occasional verbal leak from a valid CIA source, and mentioned repeatedly

in certain circles by individuals paid to do just that. Thus, where activities similar to those ascribed to Project

Prometheus have certainly taken place, they were relatively safe from scrutiny. Everyone was looking in the wrong


Project Prometheus is rumored to be an exchange of alien technology for certain favors granted by the government,

specifically being allowed to abduct the citizenry. We have addressed these issues, and explained that alien technology

was not given to humans, though aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation most certainly said this was to be the case.

They lie. In addition, an abduction right is not something that aliens need the government to grant, as the government

has no control over alien activities. What is called abduction is under the control of the human giving The Call, and

thus is under the control of the individual human desiring contact or participation in the hybrid program.

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ZetaTalk: Tesla

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ZetaTalk: Tesla

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