heads, like a helmet, an easy chair kind of thing with little arm rests. Everyone sits down, with this thing over our
heads, and it seems like I black out. I'm sleeping or something. The next thing I'm aware of is my toes moving around,
and my fingers. It's still black. My eyes are closed or the room is black. Then it comes into view, fading back in. I'm in
the same room but the kids are missing and my helmet's back. I'm looking around to see where everybody is, and
somebody sticks his head in the door, kind of leans in the door. I get up, not that I've been summoned or anything, I'm
kind of curious. I'm looking around. It's kind of obvious that I'm looking around for where everybody is. I'm walking
slowly toward him, checking around, and then the three kids walk back in the room. [Oldest] says, 'Hi, mom.' It looks
like she's had a good time. [Between] is more quiet and serious. [Youngest] just has a bland look on his face, slightly
curious. I'm saying, 'Where are we?' [Oldest] says, 'A neat place.' [Between] says, 'But they don't have any
swimming pools.'
Then we go into the next room, and they have some sort of a buffet set up, but this buffet is very strange because it's
like a pile of vegetables or fruit combinations. I don't recognize anything, and you can take some of that in your hand
and eat it if you want. There's no dishes or eating utensils. I don't recognize any of it. It has a very bland taste,
whatever it is, but it's edible. I try a piece or two. Someone says, 'We're going to take you home now, so you have to
go back to sleep.' So we all go back in and we put our little helmets on and sit in our chairs. We all go back to sleep,
put our helmets on. Everything blacks out. The next thing I'm aware of is my stomach muscles feeling fatigued.
Instead of moving my hands and feet around I feel a sense of fatigue in my stomach muscles. I'm pushing the helmet
back. This time the three kids are there. Two or three guys are saying, 'Good-by,' and one of them is saying, 'Come
this way.' We walk back down the corridor. I don't think we're going down the moving stairway, I think it's like an
elevator drops down to the ground. We walk over to a little ship this time, one of those 12 footer kind, and sit on the
bench and take off. This time we were on concrete, not on sand.
We get dropped off right in front of our tent, more or less. It's dead of night. We go back in the tent and crawl in our
sleeping bags and settle down. But I do remember there was one time we went camping and when people asked me
what we did I was hard pressed to describe what we did, over the weekend. We hadn't gone to see horses or gone
swimming or climbed around the bluffs - we hadn't done anything in particular. So it was different, because normally
we would do some sort of activity to break up the weekend, but we didn't seem to have much to say.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g26.htm[2/5/2012 11:44:10 AM]
ZetaTalk: Mind Control
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The dream of all controlling individuals, a category which includes the military hierarchy, is to create virtual robots
out of the population at the flip of a switch. Riot control, preventing resistance, silencing dissent, ensuring complete
adherence to orders or edicts - such are the heady goals of those who are control oriented. Humans use drugs, physical
restraints, and threats and bribes to gain these ends, but none of these methods are fail-safe. In human-to- human
encounters no one is paralyzed unless drugs or physical restraints are used, and likewise leaving a memory only in the
subconscious where it can act like a post-hypnotic suggestion is achievable only by battering and splintering the
conscious through trauma and drugs. The secret government, which in the early days was heavily influenced by the
CIA, longed to master what they considered to be mind control techniques.
In fact, as we have stated, a human cannot be given a hypnotic suggestion they are not in accordance with, and during
visitations the human is in control and can terminate contact at any time simply by willing it to be so. Even the
paralyzed state, which makes use of an old portion of the human brain that is akin to a possum's brain, can be broken
at will by the human. Nevertheless, the CIA did a considerable amount of casting about, trying to discover how aliens
were able to paralyze humans and plant what they assumed to be post hypnotic suggestions. Needless to say, they did
not succeed, but their fervor and rumors of this activity inspired such stories as the
humans, while unaware, are time bombs waiting to become absolute robots behaving in a preprogrammed manner.
This is all so far from what is possible as to be positively silly.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g58.htm[2/5/2012 11:44:11 AM]
ZetaTalk: Remote Viewing
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