Note: written Dec 15, 1996

In keeping with their tendency to share personal experiences and seek emotional support from others, most reports

from contactees who are donors to the hybrid program have been from women. These reports describe how the women

who were donors were checked frequently to determine when they were about to ovulate or had vaginal procedures to

extract ova or implant the zygote or remove the fetus after the few weeks that it remains in the donor mother’s womb.

Donor mothers are also the partner who report meeting their offspring, highly emotional encounters where longing and

regret at the necessary separation between mother and child are openly expressed.

Where is the father in all of this, the male donor? In fact, the donor fathers have equally compelling experiences with

their offspring, and physical procedures to relate. The reason fewer reports emerge from the donor father is due to a

conflict between the father donor role and what human society perceives as the male role. In human societies the male

is the one in charge, the one who does to others, including the woman, not the one done to. This perception goes beyond the sex act, it permeates human society and the roles assumed by males and females. Males lead, they give

orders, they make the decisions, so the role they experience as donor fathers is utterly out of keeping with what they

have been told since boyhood is their proper place.

Father donors are examined as to their health regularly, and undergo sperm extraction at a time when the donor

mother’s ova is ready. Unlike the usual male sperm donation in human society, where the male is presumed to have

selected his bed mate and the time and place of a sexual encounter as well, donor fathers in the hybrid program chose

neither the mate or the time or place. To add to this insult, they are in the passive position when giving the donation. A

cup is placed over their genitals and the sexual response generated through mental influences solely. There is no

physical stimulation, and thus little pleasure. Where donor fathers are as willing to participate as the donor mothers,

when back in human society this is not the kind of experience that gets loud discussion in the locker room. Thus, not

much is heard about the donor father’s experiences.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:49:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Extended Families

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ZetaTalk: Extended Families

Note: written Jun 15, 1997

Contactees participating in the hybrid program by contributing genetic material are introduced to their offspring on

occasion for a number of reasons. Primarily this is because they both wish to meet each other, a simultaneous desire.

As humans cannot be contacted by aliens unless the human gives The Call, and as The Call dictates the nature of the

visit, a desire on the part of the contactee to meet his or her offspring must be present for any introduction between the parent and child to occur. Likewise, we do not force a hybrid to meet the eager parents if they decline the invitation for

whatever reason. Most do decline, and thus the rarity of introductions.

Hybrids are for the most part entities who have been living in 4th Density for some time, and are volunteering for

difficult duty due to their sense of purpose and desire to give Service-to-Others. They are focusing on the future, on a

situation where numerous human souls who have known nothing but life on Earth will be reincarnating into hybrid

bodies. This will be an adjustment, though not a wrenching affair, for these new arrivals into 4th Density Service-to-

Other existence. Like all major adjustments, this one is expected to meet resistance. Human souls, who may dominate

the future hybrid group by their numbers, will be pressing for a return to old and familiar ways. Rather than integrate

into an existing 4th Density community, the force of numbers may incline the 4th Density community to integrate into

a memory of what human society was like.

Thus, the target community is kept firmly in mind, and interaction with humans contained at the point where human

culture and history is studied, but does not become such a loud voice that it drowns out the normal song sung by 4th

Density Service-to-Others communities. Human parents become emotional when encountering offspring, and this is to

be expected. This emotion can be impelling, and sway the resolve and focus of the entity incarnated into the hybrid

body. If the entity incarnating into the hybrid body judges themselves to be subject to influence, they may and most

often do decline a request for an introduction from their human parents.

What this means for the future interaction between hybrids and their parents is that little, if any interaction can be

expected. The parent-child relationship is in the hearts and minds of both parent and child, but this fact does not

predominate in importance over the target goal of helping large numbers of human souls adjust to 4th Density Service-

to-Other existence during the time of crisis following the coming pole shift. Slightly more than 25% of the human

population on Earth are fully Service-to-Other, and as with the rest of the human crowd, most will die in the 90%

death rate anticipated due to pole shift trauma or Aftertime disease, starvation, and exposure. The human parents are

holding out their arms, but their hybrid children are looking to their future welfare when they decline interaction.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:49:17 AM]

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