Regarding our interactions with abductees involved in the hybrid program. Some confusion results from mixing our
actions with others. You are familiar with the term disinformation. The Service-to-Others Zetas have been the brunt of
a disinformation campaign by Service-to-Self Zetas, who are few in number compared to ourselves, other Service-to-
Self aliens, and various humans with various agendas. This disinformation takes the form of pretending to be
conducting a hybrid program, where hybrid infants are indeed produced and then maimed or killed before one's eyes.
Were this an ongoing scam, rather than an intermittent scam, we could not talk about it due to the Rules of
Another form of disinformation is rape. We do not rape your women in order to allow them to carry a tiny fetus for the
first few precious weeks. We have observed sexual interaction between humans, to learn the range and varieties of
responses. This has been done resulting from an offer, in all cases.[2/5/2012 11:49:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dying Race
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Our race is not dying. We, the Zetas, have been incarnating and reproducing for almost 8.5 times the length of time
that intelligent humans have been doing so. And there is no end in sight. Yet where we can continue, we desire
change. Humans have many characteristics that we, the Zetas, previously had in richness - sex drive, rage, longing,
hunger. We perceived these to be a root cause of the steps we took to ruin our planet. We genetically engineered
ourselves to rid ourselves of these characteristics. In doing so we threw the baby out with the bath water, as you say.
We went too far. The richness is gone, and our life is more intellectual than physical. We wish to incorporate into our
incarnation experience the depth of sexual desire and emotional commitment that humans are capable of feeling. This
we had in the past, and we wish to re-introduce it again. Our genetic engineering did not result in the confusion that all
the many passes at Homo Sapiens have caused for your race, as we were originally a single transplant from another
world. Our unique shape has come not so much from our original model as from what we have done to ourselves.
Being focused on war, and success in the battlefield, early genetic engineering was focused at making a lean, mean
Zeta. Strong, requiring little nourishment and no sleep, and forthright.
In our past we poisoned our planet as a result of nuclear and biological warfare. Biological elements proved to be more
tenacious than radiation poisoning, and it was for this reason that genetic engineering was undertaken aggressively
when we were forced underground. At first genetic engineering was to create a more impervious soldier, but later these
skills were put to other uses - creating a pacific Zeta. Genetic engineering did not take place on a universal level
among the Zetas. Where some groups were hard at work trying to create a Zeta that could live above ground, among
the poisons we had unleashed, other groups were trying to remove what they viewed to be the source of the problem,
our warlike nature. Over time, through interbreeding, these traits spread throughout the Zetas, just as the human race,
through interbreeding, is tending to become homogeneous. In some cases the scientists trying to create a better soldier
had a change of heart, and switched over to the group trying to pacify the Zetas. The Zetas resulting from these joint
efforts proved to be most viable, and over time that model became dominant.
There are, of course, many variations on the Zeta form, and many of these are due to the genetic engineering efforts.
Line them all up, and you might be able to say that this one is the original Zeta, this one the better soldier, this one the
pacific Zeta, and in like manner proceed through the genetic engineering experiments. Some variations in Zetas come
from different environments, from living on different planets, but most come from this source. The amphibious water
Zeta, for instance, was the result of an attempt to move the Zetas into the water, for protection from the poisoned air.[2/5/2012 11:49:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Zeta Clones
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The Zeta are accused of having a group mind, seemingly operating like insects, by rote, and without individuality.
Where did these assumptions come from? First, we reproduce by cloning, so our appearance can be remarkably
similar. Second, our mode of communicating is telepathic, over the heads of humans who for the most part sense no
conversation going on at all. Third, there is a lack of argument and indecision that humans see in us when we are at
work attending to our contactees, as we have all agreed ahead of time on how to handle issues that might arise.
Humans who see us having a group mind are drawing these conclusions on scanty data.
Imagine how adult male humans would appear to an alien race encountering them only at work. There they all are in