approximately. Thus, for this particular trimester, it would be accurate to say that the pole shift will not happen at the end of
As we have explained, we are not allowed to warn mankind about the exact timing or location of earthquakes or other
natural disasters. General guidelines are OK. Specifics are not OK. We are obliged to operate in compliance with these rules. Your description of the safety factors - high peaks and fresh water sources and the lack of active volcanoes - is a good start. Consider evidence of recent mountain building, as this would indicate instability in the area. Remember that we have stated that[2/5/2012 2:44:42 PM]
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
A naturally nervous nature, being high strung, does not indicate contactee status. Animal species differ in this regard, depending upon whether being nervous and high strung increased the species' chances of survival. Within a species,
this is likewise true. Such characteristics are bred into or out of a species by natural selection. Being nervous can allow a creature to escape danger and hover over its young, thus enhancing survival. Or it may merely torture the creature so it cannot seek food or a mate, decreasing those genes among survivors.
We have predicted that the weather will get more extreme on all fronts. Temperature swings, extreme enough that it
will seem that the seasons are blending into one another. Drought and deluge swings, which will switch about
unexpectedly. Absolute unpredictability, so the weathermen throw their hands up. You can also expect an increased
wobble, the stars not where expected and the Sun and Moon seemingly out of position. Earthquakes will increase in
severity and frequency, but in particular the stretch zones will be active, silently adjusting and creating chaos in
mankind's infrastructure.
Our statement was that the Democratic party would not want to risk running with a black man or a woman as a first
time event, as they desperately wanted to win the White House. This may still be the feeling but they hardly have a
choice as the people's vote has pushed this choice upon them. Hillary
comment upon US politics is because
1. humans ask these questions, as you have here, and
2. control of the White House is important as the US is the most powerful country in the world due to the size of
its military.
Venezuela, as a country, is not officially aiding the FARCs, but individual citizens cannot be controlled completely. It is common practice for rebels to run across a border in order to evade capture, and this is nothing new. In that the Bush administration has been trying to achieve a coup in Venezuela, to remove Chavez from power, and has failed in these
attempts, they have been trying to get a neighboring country to create turmoil in Venezuela. Thus, many of these
accusations are[2/5/2012 2:44:42 PM]
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live