church, and what do they stand to gain? The church fears that other gods will replace the ones they promote, and
hopes to gain increasing converts as millennium fever increases.
Second, the reference to large cities as the focus of rescue. The opposite is in fact the case, as during the
cataclysms cities will be leveled and be death traps. Nor can one grow beans and rice and maintain fish tanks
effectively in large cities, sustaining oneself when the grocery stores go out of business, permanently.
Why this message? Check out where the large, lucrative churches are located. It is
enclaves of estates, the city home and condominiums kept by the rich and comfortable - that are solidly in the black.
Those perpetrating this fraud do not intend to be with the faithful when the cataclysms strike. They will be long gone to safely, bought and paid for by the faithful who have remained, as instructed, in the death traps that big cities will become.[2/5/2012 1:33:57 PM]
ZetaTalk: Stigmata
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The body can create stigmata through a force of will. This is often suspected. A great deal of illness, almost the
majority, is caused by what is termed psychosomatic problems - tension, or a decision by the person to become ill - as astonishing as this may seem. There are a great many auto-immune diseases, infection that just doesn’t seem to heal,
that antibiotics can’t suppress so the infection overwhelms. Cancer itself is a decision by the body to die. If
inflammation can be caused by the will, then why can’t a person cause an inflammation to the point of burst capillaries in the center of one’s palm? This is quite possible. People who walk on hot coals, who are able to hold their breath and be almost buried alive and manage to be dredged up hours later - they have learned to control their bodies as the
Yogi’s do. This is not all that unusual. It’s not common, but not all that unusual. People who have great faith, and wish to join with the aesthetics, with the saints, to merge with them and be dead before their time, will often take on those physical forms that make their life on Earth more similar to where they wish to be, with their admired ones.[2/5/2012 1:33:57 PM]
ZetaTalk: Joan of Ark
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Joan was intent on countering what she viewed as brutality in the church. She gave the Call, and was counseled, but
her decisions were her own. The view from many that God speaks directly to this or that human is faulty, in that most
such imagined communications are with spirits. Her desire to communicate, and her responses, were akin thus to the
Call, only.[2/5/2012 1:33:58 PM]
ZetaTalk: In Whose Service
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Where the Christian religion is supposedly established in the name of Christ, it is hardly based on the teachings of
Jesus. Look to the lifestyle of many at the heads of these religions.
The Pope lives in grandeur, surrounded by gold and silken robes, servants, and guaranteed comfort throughout
retirement. What happened to the message of Jesus, about a rich man reaching heaven?
The Catholic church is one of the wealthiest entities in the world, yet it is supported by those most poverty-
stricken. What happened to the message of Jesus to give unto the poor, share and share alike?
The Mormon and Catholic churches, both based on the sayings of Jesus, use extreme threats to control and
dictate to their masses. Excommunication, which is plainly delivered as eternal damnation to the fires of hell.
What happened to the message of Jesus to forgive? Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone, etc.[2/5/2012 1:33:59 PM]
ZetaTalk: Twisted Message
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Religions take two paths. They are primarily influenced, when they are influenced, by benevolent entities from higher
densities who wish to explain a message of love - the message of Jesus, the simple Golden Rule, to do unto others as
you would have them do unto you, etc. These messages are meant to teach democratic concepts - how to get along
with one another and be accepting of differences and the like. Because religion has an element of adoration, humans
tend, as all 3rd Density cultures do, to look as children toward the messenger and say “Ah, we have gotten this from a wise parent”. Because of this, those who would rule humans and be despots try to slip behind and assume the robes of
the religious morays and become what we have termed the religious elite.