happened to the Egyptian records after the last pole shift. The Jewish Exodus occurred, with the Jews able to leave
their slavehood taking their old, their lame, and their babes in arms with them. They escaped, one and all from their
captors, not because they were all that swift, but because their captors were very distracted. The hail, the insects
disturbed by the groaning in the Earth and running in every direction, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes, and the
fact that they were experiencing a very long day, the Sun quite noticeably slowed in its progression across the sky - all
this distracted the Egyptians. After the last cataclysms, the very careful Egyptian records which kept census, the grain
stores which maintained the rich - all this went to Hell. And for centuries afterwards, people lost track of just how
many years passed until records began to be kept again. This happened all over the world, during each cataclysm.
What happened to the great cities of China? Records are disrupted.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p111.htm[2/5/2012 9:54:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: Calendars and Clocks
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After a pole shift, several things change, making the past time pieces and calendars virtually worthless. The geographic
poles change, the rate of rotation may change, and the magnetic poles change. It has occurred, as Plato recorded, that
the rotation of the Earth
when the rotation of the earth froze prior to the shift. When rotation restarts after the passage of Planet X, several new
variables are in place. Survivors find themselves in a new climate, warmer or colder, more humid or dry, with the
vegetation in place struggling and wildlife on the move. The Sun rises and sets in a strange place. The clouds are closer
to the ground, drizzle often seeming to be incessant, so peering at the stars is difficult and most certainly not the
preeminent concern of starving survivors.
By the time, several decades later, that the skies clear and sunshine returns edible vegetation and meat on the hoof to
be killed for dinner, the old means of time-keeping by the stars has often been lost. Pole shifts cause injuries, and lack
of nutrition is hard on the elderly. The young and hungry, especially those born after a shift who have little regard for
the knowledge carried by those from an earlier time, refuse food to seemingly befuddled old men who talk of times
long past. Knowledge is
calendars the last of anyone's concerns. If planting is not being done, or appointments are not being made, and the only
thought the direction of one's wanderings toward a better source of food - then why are time pieces and calendars
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p131.htm[2/5/2012 9:54:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: Emotional Adjustments
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Denial is a common reaction to learning that the world you know, which you as a child had always considered would
be secure, is going to essentially disappear. Denial protects one from having to incorporate what has been learned into
one's life. One can treat the news like a thing apart, like a possibility, similar to a meteor landing on your head or being
struck by lightning. Remote. For those who do not duck the issues, there is an adjustment period. One looks around,
seeing the sunny day, the smiling faces, the usual empty chatter on the newscasts, and no longer feels one can relate to
The terrible future one contemplates stares at one from afar, but each day draws closer. How to make major
adjustments to prepare for this, when any preparation is considered insanity, or desertion, or neglect.
During the period when choices are made, and adjustments are being made in one's life, depression can set in. This is
true of any double-bind, where one loses either way, but in the situation of the alien issue and the coming pole shift,
who can one talk to? One is an outcast. Those who have few attachments and are free to move about, in their physical
surrounding or career or family commitments, are the lucky ones, as they make their adjustments fairly rapidly,
moving to a clear headed time of resolve. Those with many commitments, or commitments deeply felt, agonize longer
while making the switch. After they have disconnected themselves from any expectation that life for them can be
normal, as they know terrible things that the others have yet to understand, they can be at peace.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p63.htm[2/5/2012 9:54:58 AM]
ZetaTalk: Resistance
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