tones by a focused vibration, a higher pitch where the vibrating material is a small surface, a deeper or baso
pitch where the vibrating material is a large surface. Thus, the trumpets of Kiev were a vibration on a particular
surface that did not change between August 3 and August 8, 2011, the two dates that the trumpet sound was
recorded. Man-made structures have at times hummed in the wind, as anyone living near a wire in high winds
can attest. But whatever was causing the trumpets of Kiev was more than wind, as the windows in buildings
'shivered', per reports. The ground was also moving.
Kiev lies just south of a dam on the Kiev Reservoir, a damming of the Dnieper River. A vibration of the dam
itself, like the strings of a violin, would
but a vibration in the air. There are musical instruments that use a water filled container to increase the vibration,[2/5/2012 9:57:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: Kiev Trumpets / Florida Howl
so the vibration affects the air and sends a
create a vibrating tone due to the water surface affecting the air. The glass alone, when tapped, is barely audible.
Where trumpets will be heard, worldwide, prior to the pole shift, the Kiev trumpets are not due to upper
atmosphere clapping caused by lightning. They are caused by the stretch zone above the Black Sea, which will
be pulling apart continuously until the hour of the pole shift. Thus, the people of Kiev should become
accustomed to the music their dam is producing, as it is likely to be with them for the duration.
Florida Howl, written August 28, 2011
AUDIO (Belarus)
AUDIO (Tampa)
The sounds produced by vibrating parts varies, depending upon the instrument. For the violin or guitar, where
the string vibrates, the tone is sharp and distinct. If the string is short the tone is high pitched, a rapid vibration.
For woodwinds and brass instruments, there is a pocket of air involved as well as a vibrating part, so the sound
is more mellow. As with drums, where the large drum has the deepest tone, a vibrating surface that has a large
area vibrates at a slower rate, and thus a more basso tone. Drums utilize air spaces to create their tone, as else it
would merely be a slap against leather, not a booming sound. Sounds that reach a human ear invariably involve
a vibrating air space, but the initial vibration was elsewhere.
As we explained for the Kiev trumpets, when an enclosed body of water rests on vibrating ground, music can be
produced. But the variety of sounds that vibrating ground can produce in a stretch zone is not always musical.
The fact that the ground is vibrating is reported by witnesses, who state they can feel the vibration in the ground.
Yet the official explanation, at a loss to explain the current Earth changes, involves the atmosphere. Somehow, it
is the wind. In Kiev the reservoir dam amplified the vibrations, so the reservoir was singing. But where a broad
expanse of ground is vibrating, such as the Florida recordings indicate, so many tones are produced that the
result is a howl.[2/5/2012 9:57:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: Kiev Trumpets / Florida Howl
Imagine a choir, which normally sings in harmony, each singing a particular note. Imagine the choir members
each just making a noise, not a harmonious note, so that a hundred voices are merging into what would seem to
be a howl. This is Florida. The entire
Atlantic by the spreading Atlantic, but likewise being pulled side to side by plate movement in the Caribbean
Plate as the S American rolls progresses. This creates vibration, as the rock resists being pulled apart or bent -
first a tug, then a bounce back. During the ball game, when the Florida howl could be heard as background noise
during the broadcast, the bowl of the stadium was acting like the enclosed air in a drum, amplifying the sound
coming from the bay area itself.
Whether the sound is a tone, a rumble, a howl, or a hum the etiology is all the same - the ground is vibrating. A