the African Rift.
6. When the ocean off the bulge of Brazil has reached the position of the current North Pole, crust slippage stops,
creating yet another drama. The major northern hemisphere plates
In the case of the Americas, this causes Central America and the Caribbean to crumble.
7. In the case of Africa, already sliding eastward, the force is
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ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama
Indo-Australian plate has already begun, the weaker link already established and momentum in process.
8. The pileup is in what was the former Northern Hemisphere, and the compression of the Pacific is creating
resistance as plates are subducted under the Americas, and then Japan explodes and Indonesia crumbles.
9. This frees the plates south of the tips of South America and Africa of stress. As the Pacific adjusts, reluctantly,
pressure toward Antarctica, the one place on the globe
up between the tips of South America and Africa.
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ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves
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As great as the danger to humans and the fauna and flora of the Earth that earthquakes bring, greater still is the
devastation that the shifting waters will bring. There are several factors at play. Water is more liquid than the core of
the Earth, and certainly more liquid than terra firma. Where the Earth, dragged by its core, is Shifting into a new, albeit
temporary, alignment with the giant comet, its waters resist greatly. Thus the waters slosh over the nearby land, in the
direction opposite to the shift. This is lessened by a tendency of the waters directly under the giant comet to rise up to
meet the comet. The waters heap up, in what appear to be giant waves. This tends to lessen the sloshing over a
shoreline on the comet side, but has no effect on the water's movement on the dark side of the Earth.
The Earth's record of gigantic tidal waves, which the establishment is desperate to explain in other than pole shift
terms, is caused by the frequent pole shifts. This is the case even in situations where a plate adjustment affects
hundreds of miles of ocean bottom, creating a massive line of compressed water which promptly moves in the only
directions it can - to the right, left, and
nearby shores. Where items are dropped into the ocean, such as the honeycombed ice of a former South Pole did
during the Flood, the displaced water cannot go
resulting wave is in proportion to the object dropped. A continent sized object caused the Flood, a meteor a mile in
diameter would hardly cause more than a high tide, despite alarmist speculation.
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ZetaTalk: Climbing Water
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Those who have witnessed tidal bore roaring up a ravine are astonished that water does not seem to respect the relative
sea level during those times. What makes the water climb? Water pressure drives water to climb
because at the point where the pressure build, is takes the easiest path. When the force of pressure is extreme,
compressing the water a lower levels, the path of lease resistance is taken. During a tidal wave, this path is
the bulk of water. A tidal wave moves inland until one of two situations occurs:
1. the level to which it has climbed is higher than the level elsewhere, and the wave recedes, or
2. the pressure behind the wave decreases.
Where tidal waves meet mountains, this can result in tidal bore up ravines. Where tidal waves flow inland, this results
in a flood tide going hundreds of miles inland. Where the tidal wave finds foot hills or barriers, the force of the wave is
broken such that it is slowed, allowing a reduction in pressure behind the wave to arrive before the wave moves far
inland. But where the tidal wave finds virtually no barriers, due to the land being flat, it becomes water on the move,
and this very momentum carries it far inland, and above a height that would otherwise be expected.
There is more to the level that water rises than simply water finding its level. Tidal bore carried water
rush, rising
water is under, and this is equivalent to the water higher, elsewhere. This is the factor that allows cities to have tap
water, due to water stored at a