bipolar. It
is no accident that these individuals are found to have a higher incidence of creativity, energy, and intelligence. It was
for those qualities that a genetic contribution was made from worlds where lithium happened to be a common element.
Doctors are not curing a disease by medicating with lithium, they are correcting an imbalance.
On some worlds iron is a trace element, and if carbon based, the blood does not rely on iron in the manner that
creatures on your Earth do. There, they do not develop iron deficiency anemia, but develop a similar reaction to a lack
of silicon, the most common substitute for iron in this matter. Of course, the manner in which blood chemistry works
in these instances has more differences than parallels. Humans are sometimes shocked to learn that aliens have green
or clear blood, and correctly assume that the blood chemistry is radically different. One reason that we, the Zetas, were
chosen to create a hybrid race with humans was our relative compatibility in this area. Our home planets had iron in
abundance. Should one doubt that elements vary in their proportion throughout the Universe, one has but to look to
meteors, where nickel is sought. Beyond nickel, look to what variance is found between the substances in meteors and
your average hunk of Earth, or for that matter, what variances are found when comparing one meteor against another.
Perhaps, to humans, the most surprising difference would be that oxygen is not the breath of life to all, as it is on Earth
and to those life forms commonly visiting Earth. Why else would some of your ancient visitors have worn helmets?
On their worlds, a helium component is key, and on the surface of your Earth they are drowning for lack of this as
surely as you drown when under water, away from free oxygen in the proportion you require it. We have mentioned
that some worlds would be considered radioactive by you, yet life lives there. How has their life adapted to the
bombardment that disrupts your processes. Their chemistry, in fact, requires this bombardment, in the same manner
that you require sunlight in order to manufacture vitamin D, without which your bones go soft. Life evolved on those
planets while this situation existed, and DNA that learned to utilize the environment, rather than sicken from it, was
the survivor that propagated. Just so many variations developed, on many worlds, and their differences are greater than
their similarities.[2/5/2012 11:54:04 AM]
ZetaTalk: Biorhythms
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Researchers have correctly identified rhythms in humans that ebb and flow, with great regularity, commonly known as
biorhythms. These have been divided into categories, which are not all that precise, in our opinion, nor do they deal
with any but a minority of the biorhythms actually operand. Do biorhythms start from the moment of birth, as
claimed? Some do, as the moment of birth is traumatic and griping, no matter how easy the delivery. The babe must
breath, feels the cool air, is handled - all for the first time. A shock. Other biorhythms set off from the moment of
conception, and yet others when the nervous system reaches a point in its development capable of sustained activity,
such as movement, the flutter that expectant mothers refer to as feeling life.
What are biorhythms and why do they persist with such regularity? So much in life is controlled by biological
switches, the urge to eat switched on by an empty stomach, or to drink by a blood chemistry ration, or to defecate by a
full colon. And is not menstruation cyclical, the urge to sleep, the sex drive? Biorhythms, however, are not influenced
by factors outside of themselves. They hear only their own rhythm, and listen only to the note they sing. Unlike brain
waves, they are not a choir. They are all soloists. A biorhythm is the expression of the rising and falling of chemical
levels in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph, intramuscular tissues, kidneys, and various glands. These chemical
levels are regulated, much like a self activating sump pump, by high and low points. When the chemical level drops to
the low point, the body switches into production mode on this particular chemical, and when the chemical level rises to
the high point, the body switches production off again.[2/5/2012 11:54:05 AM]
ZetaTalk: Aging Process
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Aging is a natural process that happens to all incarnated entities, although the rate and effect may differ. Let us be
specific. Complex organisms fight two battles. One is to gain in size and complexity soon enough to reproduce
effectively, and the second is to stave off the aging process while this is going on. What is the aging process? Any
machine wears down, the edges of the parts getting rough until they fail to operate as expected, connections breaking,
refurbishments failing to appear when needed, and foundations crumbling under weight over time. Happens