impregnate his lady, no matter how valiantly he tries, is about to arrive. And when it does, the cries of newborn babes

in hospital corridors will drop dramatically, and merchandisers selling baby supplies will find their sales suddenly

plummeting, and formerly busy schools will wonder where their enrollees went. If there is no solution at hand, the

problem will not be allowed press time even then, as those who rule the media are too close to those who would take

the blame.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:54:08 AM]

ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

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ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

Scientists are lately busy mapping the places in the human brain that are active during thought. This is a time honored

practice, and not far off base. When a human stares at an object the visual areas of the brain are more active than

usual, and when another is in telepathic communication with the staring human, both have the same areas of their

brains active. This has been known and recorded for decades. What is recent is the attempt to document by what

means humans think, arrive at conclusions, or have, for instance, a brilliant insight. One can map with simple animals,

trained in a maze, the learning curve whereby they learn that to follow the smooth wall, for instance, they arrive at

food. The first time this occurs it is by accident, so the rat makes an association. Smooth walls = food. The next time

the rat is put into a maze, if hungry, the rat will give more weight to exploring smooth walled paths over rough

textured routes. What's going on here?

The mental association in the rat's brain is a chemical sequence in the existing brain cells in certain areas of the brain.

Hunger in the rat is now connected to those sections of the brain which hold visual and tactile imprints. These

imprints, as well as the pathways, are chemical. These imprints, or stored data, and pathways wax strong or weak,

depending on how often they are used. More use, strengthened chemistry. Less use, debilitated chemistry. If the rat

does not continue to find food via smooth walls, it will explore these paths less and less often, until smooth walls have

no more significance for the rat than any other type of wall. These chemical pathways are not identical. They have

characteristics that relate to the area of the brain they point to, and in simple worms are somewhat transferable.

Worms, taught to head to the right or left for food or to avoid injury, can have their brains fed to other worms, who

then seem to have ingested knowledge. What's going on here? The brain chemicals, not broken down during digestion,

migrate in the blood stream to the brain, and being of similar chemical composition in similar worms, attach to the

brain pathways of the new host. The chemistry for right or left is specific in these worms, being on one side of the

brain or another with some slight differences, and where these differences weigh only slightly they weigh enough to

set the ingesting worm to favor connecting to one side of the brain or another. A transferred learned response, proving

that the brain works by chemistry, chemical paths and chemical images.

Emotions are chemistry, generated from within. Sensations, the power of the brain to retain ideas, is also intrinsically

allied with chemical reactions. In fact, it forms the base. What else would there be? Hormones stimulate feelings, and

homones are created by nervous stimulation of the glands. It is all intertwined. Senses receive light rays or heat, or

other such stimuli that create chemical reactions that travel along nerves and are then stored in your brain by chemical

changes. These chemical changes are so slow to deteriorate that you die before many of them do, which is why you

have a memory. This is a chemical store, similar to a computer databank, in which chemical changes are virtually

permanently etched in your brain.

Complex thought can be broken down into thousands of steps, where sensory memories are related. Even the abstract

concept of numbers is related to sensory memories. The child piling blocks is noting that four blocks pile higher than

three, and the concept of greater than is related to these counts. Does the one pile not loom higher? When adding just

one block onto the short pile, they are equal. An incipient algebraic equation is building in the babe's mind. Great

thoughts are built from many small mental data stores, and many more connections. Great insights are simply where

two or more formerly unrelated connections bridge, to become related. How does this bridging occur?

It is known that people think best while pacing, and that palsied children not able to crawl or walk lack some ability to

learn concepts. Bridging occurs when the chemicals needed to build a new pathway are in abundance in a certain part

of the brain. It is accidental in that the connection is only by proximity, but no accident in that the brain areas rich with

these chemicals are so active because they relate to the issue at hand. Thus the brain is just making an introduction.[2/5/2012 11:54:08 AM]

ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

Here, you two places are both active, speak to each other. Thus, the child finding himself staring at a wall he wishes to

climb over, and seeing some boxes near at hand, recalls his pile of blocks. An a'ha occurs, as his memory of

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