Of course your laws of physics work well enough when applied to the situation they were designed to
didn't start out that way, as the flat earth theories that held sway in the past clearly demonstrate. People were assumed
to have developed disease due to demons casting spells, and the demonstrated relationship between passing germs
from the dirty hands of a physician from one patient to another was resisted by the establishment just as dropping the
flat earth theory was resisted. Comfortable theories are clung to, for no other reason than change, being open to change,
requires a momentary discomfort. The theories you smugly pronounce are correct were
pronounced as correct yesterday, but that doesn't stop you from making such pronouncements.
Your theory about brown dwarfs exists based on those dwarfs you
nuclear power plants, which otherwise would be the fast burn of a nuclear explosion that occurs when no braking
mechanism is in place. Is it entirely impossible for suns to have mixed composition? For a slow burn to be in place?
For a planet to have some of the composition of a sun as well as a composition of a solid planet? This is simply not
possible, and because you have not observed it, then it does not exist?
Please spare us your current theories about what makes sun's burn, as you have no more proof of that than you do what
the composition of the core of your very own planet or a proper description of the workings of the atoms you yourself
are composed of. Your current theories are a work in process, and if you are honest you will admit that.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s130.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Red Planet
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If Planet X is primarily a water planet, then why would it appear to be a red planet, as Mars, which is virtually devoid
of water on its surface? Why would it not, as the Earth, appear to be a blue planet? The explanation lies in the space
trash Planet X has gathered not only traversing back and forth between its two foci but also from the Asteroid Belt
during the pelting process where the planets that rode there were destroyed during various passages of Planet X. Early
in its life, Planet X gathered moons about it as do most large planets, and these moons trail behind it during a rapid
transit. In the past, when the Sun had more mass and the Repulsion Force between the Sun and Planet X was greater,
Planet X traversed the solar system in the Asteroid belt, and the trailing moons, lashing from side to side, pelted small
planets and moon which themselves became missiles of death. During these repeated passages, then, Planet X and its
moons had opportunity to gather space trash, and being a magnetic planet, Planet X would be particularly attractive to
iron dust.
Why does this dust not settle into the atmosphere of Planet X, and drift down into the ocean and cease to be a cloud
giving Planet X a reddish appearance? Given a static environment, this would eventually be the case, but Planet X is
not static, it's perpetually on the move. The dust cloud is far outside what would be termed the atmosphere of Planet X,
so that during the passage through the solar system, it streams behind Planet X to become a long tail of red dust,
oxidized iron, which during a close passage to Earth, when Earth is caught in the tail, causes rivers and ponds to
temporarily turn a blood red color and assume a bitter taste. To those peering at Planet X from Earth, its appearance is
always blood red, due to this cloud. In that the iron dust does not itself emit light, the reddish appearance of Planet X
comes from the light the planet emits, passed
the light must likewise bounces off the ocean surface and must pass
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s107.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Swirling Moons
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Where spin on the surface of a planet is dictated by the moving core of the planet, pulling or pushing on an object free
to move on the surface, spin in space is dictated by whatever the spinning object is bound to. This is not explored by
man, who strives to move directly in space and treats any spin in an object under their control as a problem to be
corrected promptly, as in 'the probe has developed a spin and is threatening to spin out of control'. The reasons for the spin having developed in the first place is treated as an irrelevancy, and the only issue whether or not the probe is
under control. The spin is suppressed by the little jets that allow man to control his probes when their trajectory needs
to be corrected, and this thus allows mankind to feel smug about his knowledge of how things work. The