The Earth

will adjust, especially because Planet X will be between the Earth and the Sun, and all of a sudden the N Pole of Earth

will swing in many different directions as it adjusts itself to this sudden change. We mentioned, in the Whiplash

ZetaTalk, that ricochet effects and twirling are possible. Twirling? What does that mean? Why is the cold spot to the

west of Hudson Bay the coldest spot on Earth? That’s not the N Pole. What point is pointing away from the Sun most

of the day? Are we going to develop a wobble? Are we going to suddenly lurch about so that the Sun is rising and

setting in a place way off from where the public would expect? And what happens to the crust when that happens?

Imagine the Glasgow factory explosion 100 times over across the world. Imagine the I-70 overpass beam dropping on every major freeway so that travel is not possible except for short spurts locally. This is in your future, folks, but we

will not give you the date.[2/5/2012 11:54:57 AM]

ZetaTalk: a Twirling Wobble[2/5/2012 11:54:57 AM]

ZetaTalk: 23 is the Key!

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ZetaTalk: 23° is the Key!

written Mar 9, 2004

Since the Dec 25, 2003 time frame, when the rotating Earth halted in her orbit, deflecting any impact like a gymnast

slamming onto the mat on his back but deflecting the impact by rolling forward to bounce to his feet, the Earth has

been attempting to maintain a distance from Planet X. This distance, as we have mentioned, equates to the now famous

ZetaTalk Triangle. For the Earth, this means a 23° angle from Planet X, which she maintains by pushing back in her orbit between sweeping arms of the Sun pushing her into the arms of her brute brother. For those who say the orbit of

Earth has not stopped, we point to the many observations from astute humans not blind to what is going on around

them. If Planet X were at a 23° angle from the Earth, and the N Pole gripped such that it is tilting toward the S Pole of

Planet X, as we have maintained in Recent ZetaTalk, then the N Pole would be tilting and leaning at this 23°. Is it?

Ecliptic Observations

Norway, Feb 23:

Another interesting

observation however

was the location of the

Moon and Venus when I

arrived home at about

17:20 UTC. According

to Starry Night Pro,

Cartes du Ciel and

SkyMap Pro, they should have been at about 235? from my location. However, their true location

was more like 260?. Their relative position was shown a little bit different in the different sky charts,

with SkyMap Pro and Cartes du Ciel showing the correct relative position of Venus vs. the moon,

whereas Starry Night Pro showed Venus a bit too far South. Note: this is a difference of 25° for the

Ecliptic plane.

The Sun transit, expected to be due south, would no longer be that, but found, due to the lean toward Planet X, to be

eastward. Is it?

N/S Observations

Italy, Mar 9: During these days I verified that my

South is not 180° but 160°. Note: this is a difference of

20° for South.

During the bobbling about of the Earth over the past several

months, it has frequently been noted that the Moon is not in its

proper orbit, is too far north or south, often so in the extreme for

several days. Of all indicators that something is amiss, and not

being addressed by the establishment, this aberrant behavior of the

Moon has clued the common man that the heavens are not right.

Those without TV or the barrage of electronic entertainment that city dwellers in industrialized countries posses,

entertain themselves under the stars in the evenings, and the Moon rise and transit is well noted. Where the Moon hugs

the Earth's middle, and has been noted to find this middle again when the Earth has shifted position, in the crunch

ongoing at present where the Earth is being drawn in toward the Sun, accounted for by the very bright sunlight of late,

it listens to other voices. It listens to the Sun's middle, the true Ecliptic, and adheres to that. Thus, the Moon could be expected to be positioned in the old Ecliptic, while the Earth tilts. Is it?[2/5/2012 11:54:58 AM]

ZetaTalk: 23 is the Key!

Moon Orbit Observations

El Paso, Feb 6: Moon transit did

not happen until 1:15 AM Feb 6

when Moon was at 185° South

and 98° overhead, a difference of

32° and 22° from expected. Note:

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