others who will at least listen. Almost invariably, the human will inform their family and close friends of their sense,
their worry, and take opportunities to point out when circumstances around them or in the news prove them
The degree to which they do this is dependent upon the human, whether they are confrontational or comfortable with
being considered an outsider, or fearful. The more bold among them, often the very young or those without much to
lose as they are just starting out in life, may make public assertions. And there are the warriors among them, who
virtually impale themselves in the battle, risking all to make a statement they feel is important and pressing. At the
present time, those who spoke out are feeling a bit more comfortable, as world events are proving them
courageous. Thus, increasingly, those who fell to the back, into the shadows, saying nothing, are coming forward,
finding their voice. This trend will continue as the Earth changes become severe, the governments of the world making
http://www.zetatalk2.com/call/c51.htm[2/5/2012 11:27:13 AM]
ZetaTalk: Awareness
slips in their announcements. Many find courage in a crowd, saying alike, and this eventually becomes an open
discussion, with those who would debunk going into hiding, falling silent.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/call/c51.htm[2/5/2012 11:27:13 AM]
ZetaTalk: Aftertime Calls
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The 100 years after the pole shift are a time of transition for planet Earth, in that it is not wholly divided into Service-
to-Other or Service-to-Self groups separated by the rules that govern 4th Density spiritual groups. Yet there will be
pockets, whole countries or continents even, which are operating in this spiritual orientation, and quarantined from
interaction with others in 4th Density of the other orientation. As we have stated in the Rules section of Zetatalk,
visitors to Earth operating in the Service-to-Other orientation, or the Service-to-Self orientation, are required to enter
into an Engagement in order to interact with each other. These Engagements are overseen by the Council of Worlds,
and proceed within rules such that chaos does not reign. Unless an Engagement exists, the orientations do
However, in 3rd Density, in the main composed of undecided entities not fully leaning toward either orientation, all
interact without Engagements. The Call, which is a type of Engagement between an undecided entity in 3rd Density
and a visitor, is also controlled by rules, such that the visitor cannot simply have their way with the immature entity.
Service-to-Self visitors are thus not allowed to invade, occupy, eat, or otherwise have their way with humans who give
the Call to them. The Call is a conference, solely. In the situation we have described, where Service-to- Other
communities of humans form after the shift, and are joined by Hybrids or visitors from many worlds, what rules will
apply? This is in fact no more complicated than situations on Earth today, where many Star Children are incarnated
with developed spirits form 4th Density or higher, yet are living among humans in human society.
If a Star Child gives the Call, which happens even in higher densities, this is covered by the Rules of
Engagement among visitors, as a visitor is what they
If a human in a group gives the Call to Service-to-Self visitors, yet others in the group are giving the Call
simultaneously to visitors in the Service-to-Other, then great care is taken to ensure that the Service-to-Self and
Service-to-Other visitors responding to the Call of these individual human are not using the humans for a type of
Engagement between themselves. Suffice to say that if visitors are
promptly removed from the vicinity, expelled, so care
In the Service-to-Other communities of the future, after the shift, where Hybrids and visitors from other worlds
and humans of good heart are all living together, in the main this will be uncomplicated. A human in this setting
gives the Call to the Service-to-Other, and a neighbor steps up for a chat!
If an immature entity is among them, perhaps a child depending upon parents, and gives the Call to the Service-
to-Self, then this situation would be treated as mentioned above, with care not to cross boundaries. The child
would be taken outside of the community, in some manner, for the conference. If this child persisted in his
Service-to-Self leanings, he would be encouraged to leave the community when adulthood was approaching.
Such situations are
It is likewise possible for an Service-to-Other human to find themselves in mixed company after the shift. This
is certainly no different than the daily grind of Service-to-Other individuals today, in mixed society.
Thus, increasingly, this sorts out so that human survivors are talking to their
http://www.zetatalk2.com/call/c49.htm[2/5/2012 11:27:14 AM]
ZetaTalk: Hitler
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