its progress. It would be unfair to those who will be in a position to affect this to speculate. This picture is to be
painted by the artists. The time after the cataclysms, what is termed the Aftertime, will be a time of great opportunity.
Where all the foundations of the past have been shattered, and all is to be rebuilt, there is almost endless opportunity.
The creative nature relishes such times. The courageous will find a bountiful return for their efforts. It will be a time
when the capacities of each can be stretched to their limits, and entities can learn of strengths and talents within
themselves they had not imagined.[2/5/2012 11:14:22 AM]
ZetaTalk: Green Movement
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One of the trends that will become increasingly evident as the Transformation proceeds is what is termed the Green
Movement, ecology minded groups or individuals that espouse and take action to increase and preserve the Earth's
forests and wetlands. Our concern for the environment has been steadfast during the entire history of our visitation.
Those humans who love the environment and see it as a treasure to be passed forward, have given The Call to those of
like mind like ourselves, and we indeed visit and plot a course as to how that individual human can make a difference.
Man is rapacious. Were the Transformation not around the corner so this would run its course, you would find a
terribly decimated and devastated world. It would not be completely unable to sustain life, but you would live with
much grief over what you had destroyed and destroyed permanently. Raping the Earth is not occurring because
multinational corporate leaders are aware of the coming cataclysms and are trying to get what they can while they
have time. Primarily this activity is progressing because of a press of population, not because of a knowledge that a
pole shift is around the corner. If one looks back in human history, there was such rape of land occurring at other
times. Why is the Yellow River in China so clogged with silt? Where did those trees go? Where did the vegetation go?
There was poor treatment of the environment in the past, also.
Preserves are not only important for the world today, they are vital for the Earth of the future. Without a strong stock
of fauna and flora, in a lattice of preserves that allow seeds and creatures to flow from one preserve to another, many
species will become extinct before their name can ever be uttered in a courtroom. It is not enough to have a single
preserve, as disease or inbreeding can destroy a species therein. A connecting network of preserves is required, in
close enough proximity that seeds blowing in the wind or transported by carrier creatures can reach another preserve,
and close enough that creatures can move across land or along waterways to reach another preserve.[2/5/2012 11:14:22 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ruined Worlds
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Were it not for the convulsions the Earth is about to go through, the coming cataclysms, a mere 100 years in the future
the Earth would be dying. Reactions in plants and animals, starting in the very low level plankton and bacteria begin to
affect wildlife and domesticated animals, and creep up through the soil and waterways, disrupting things so badly that
nature cannot flurish. Where man maintains fields and herds and flocks to sustain human society, this is at its base
nature, and where this gets disrupted all is affected. Enzymes that are necessary in order to get crops to come to fruit or
to bear, and where these get disrupted, mankind would die rapidly. In an effort to prevent that from happening,
mankind is likely to move sharply in the wrong direction, as he has in the past - more fertilizer, more plowing, level
the hills and cut the trees - making all the wrong steps and thus creating the dominoe effect more rapidly.
Fully a quarter of all 3rd Density worlds require cleanup during their transformation, having polluted their worlds in
this way or having disrupted their ecosystem to the point of devastation, so that by the time of their transformation
they are a mess. A full 5% frankly destroy their worlds before their transformation. The ones that do not impact their
ecosystems are ones where the intelligent species on them cannot control their ecosystem. Most worlds are water
worlds. Creatures that swim and paddle about can't really affect their ecosystems. They are at the mercy of their
ecosystems. When 3rd Density worlds are populated by hominoids or land based creatures or for whatever reason they
are able to manipulate their environment, they ruin it. This is a factor of intelligence. It's the child in the nuclear
armaments. It's the child in the cockpit of the jet plane. It's almost inevitable that it will happen. It's not the exception
that mankind is destroying his environment, it's more the rule.
Those who set forth to most aggressively change nature and the ecosystem care not about the outcome. In fact, they