that in the

years leading into the pole shift that crop shortages would occur, worldwide. Where this became evident in the year 2000, as documented by Nancy in her Shortage TOPIC within Troubled Times, these shortages did not make major

headlines because stocks of grain and other staples were on hand. Now, the stocks are depleted, or nearly so. Where

the price of wheat, corn, and soybeans has been rising in step with shortfalls, riots did not occur until shortages and

price increases for rice occurred. Rice is a staple for half the world's population, primarily the poorest half, and thus

this shortage is touching desperation. Rice was one of the cheapest foods for this populace, and now must be replaced

by more expensive items or starvation looms.

The reaction of various governments to their starving populace is varied. Some are buying what stocks of rice they can

secure and forcing price controls among the merchants distributing these stocks. Others are merely reacting to riots

with traditional riot control. The poor in many of these countries have always suffered at near starvation levels, with

little sympathy from the authorities who expect the starving to fade away quietly and not make a fuss. Malnutrition

affects such a populace before birth, creating mental retardation and a poor start in life for the newborn. Malnutrition

among the young stunts growth, particularly growth of the brain, exacerbating mental retardation. Thus deprived of an

ability to earn a good living except by manual labor, which their stunted bodies can scarcely enable, those affected by

chronic starvation hardly notice when their poor diet is diminished further.

It is the reasonably well fed who are being heard from during the recent food riots. Those who are not retarded or

stunted, and have been able to enjoy a varied diet previously. The first reaction to rising food prices is to carve

expensive treats from the menu. The second reaction is to alter the daily fare to emphasize inexpensive staples - a diet

more dull but affordable. When inexpensive staples like rice rise or double in price these households must trim other

expenses from their budget - less travel, clothing, and entertainment. In many cases, the household moves from being

economically viable and in the black to running in the red, running into debt. Arguments ensue, and demands that the

government do something about the situation is part of the argument. Tempers are at the trigger point, so that some

trivial argument at the food market can spark a riot. This class of citizen - the formerly well fed - does not slide

quietly or quickly into the stance of their chronically starved neighbors. They know about the underclass, the

chronically underfed, but have never imagined themselves forced into these straits. In horror, they see themselves

unable to afford enough food for good health, despite cutting back all budgetary items possible, so panic is just under

the surface and explodes into hysteria with every rise in food prices.[2/5/2012 11:14:28 AM]

ZetaTalk: Food Riots

What are governments to do when a formerly quiet portion of the populace becomes noisy and hysterical? Price

controls are one avenue, but even with price controls the shortages will continue and increase due to the worsening

weather extremes we have so long predicted. In the US, soup kitchens are threatened as the US government cuts back

on handouts of surplus food items. There are no surplus items, or they are fast disappearing. New rules are likely to be instituted everywhere. Those who are obese will be encouraged to diet, perhaps given only vitamin pills and minimum

protein such as a few boiled eggs per day. Grains fed to cattle will be diverted to human consumption. All idle fields

will be put into production. And of course price control instituted to prevent panic among those who can no longer

afford to buy food. But in those countries where such measures cannot be instituted because there simply is not

enough food to go around, riot control will be used. Those who ignored their chronically underfed neighbors, the

underclass they took for granted were always beneath them, will now join them, a type of karma, so to speak.[2/5/2012 11:14:28 AM]

ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

After the cataclysms, religions of the world will enjoy both an increase and decrease in popularity. Some humans,

bewildered by what has happened, will cling to their religions. Some humans will assume that human actions have

caused the shift, which they will interpret as a punishment. Scapegoats will be selected from their midst, and

sacrificed. Other humans will attempt to modify their behavior, to placate what they assume to be angry gods. In the

main, these practices will occur among ignorant or weak peoples, and in truth these practices occur today. Regarding

religion, whatever trend was occurring within a given human will continue, or exacerbate. Those humans who today

think for themselves will move more in that direction, finding that their religion does not give guidance and is not

coming to grips with the situation.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:14:28 AM]

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