As earthquakes increased, they were dumbed down in Richter so any statistics would give the appearance of no

change. And since the sheer number of quakes is increasing, systematic purging of quakes before they gain public

notice is done. When this practice started to become obvious, because web sites providing direct access to the data

were not all coordinated, they were forced to funnel through the USGS as the sole source of disseminated information.

This trend was noticed and these new rules obvious but the reason for denying the public direct and immediate access to quake data of course was never given. When you can't explain, say nothing, seems the rule.

When you simply can't hide the evidence, or explain it with scientific mumbo jumbo, what to do? Everyone notices the

weather, but when records were being broken, worldwide, so rapidly that it became an embarrassment, the answer was

to simply stop commenting on the broken records. Local records, yes, national records, maybe, worldwide records,

certainly not. All this works until something as obvious as the number of hurricanes slamming the coastline becomes

exorbitant. The number, intensity, and size cannot be hidden or explained away. Global warming? Would an increase

of a fraction of a degree in temperature rise, worldwide, cause this? All computer models had put such effects of

global warming into the future, more gradual, so this is outside of human science. Of course, the Earth wobble,

pushing the land under the blanket of air to cause turbulence in the air masses, cannot be addressed, so what to do to

explain the increase in tornadoes and hurricanes? Since the weather has been blamed, all along, on global warming,

this tack will no doubt be continued, but will be seen as the lie it is when pieced together with other pieces of the


The increased in volcanic activity, combined with permafrost and glaciers and polar ice melting, is also parsed into the

global warming excuse. Those who have watched Winter's grip ease up on the landscape, which includes a goodly

percentage of the worlds populace, sense the fallacy in this explanation, as they know what kind of a temperature

increase is required to melt the frozen ground. Global warming produces increased volcanic activity? Global warming

melts the permafrost, which is perma frost because it lies so deep beneath the surface of the ground that the Artic

Summer cannot reach it. Volcanic activity is not something the average citizen is concerned about, unless the volcano

looms over their heads, so media suppression and decreased web access to activity can control interest in this area. But

when volcanoes threaten cities in Italy and Japan, the West Coast and Mexico City, suppressing the news will be

difficult. All because of global warming?

What tacks might the establishment take, to blunt the truth from the public's eye? If the excuses they have proffered

are wearing thin, they can hope to supplant the truth with new Pied Pipers. Someone with alternative theories, along

the lines of the many made-for-TV movies produced lately, to catch the imagination of the public and lead them

anywhere but to the presence of Planet X. And certainly anywhere but to ZetaTalk, which puts all the pieces of the

puzzle together. Asteroid swarms suddenly descending on the Earth, the magma suddenly deciding to become more

active, storms increasing in intensity and slamming vulnerable coastlines, all without a logical explanation, but the[2/5/2012 11:12:58 AM]

ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail

wild eyed spokesperson, hopefully charismatic, will entrance the public with descriptions and predictions. This works

for entertainment, but the populace put out of their homes by landslides and earthquakes and non-stop pummeling from

storms want more than entertainment. They want explanations, and this the establishment cannot provide to them.

Enter ZetaTalk.

Signs of the Times #1548 Call for Openness at NASA Adds to Reports of

Pressure [Feb 17] 'Top political appointees in the NASA press office exerted strong pressure during

the 2004 presidential campaign to cut the flow of news releases on glaciers, climate, pollution and

other earth sciences, public affairs officers at the agency say. NASA officials said the intent was to

use the most general term to describe climate fluctuations. But other public affairs workers and

some scientists at the agency called it an effort to avoid mentioning that global temperatures are

rising.' [and from another] Greenland glaciers disappearing more quickly: study [Feb 16]

'Greenland's glaciers are dumping more than twice as much ice into the Atlantic Ocean now as 10

years ago because glaciers are sliding off the land more quickly, researchers said on Thursday. This

could mean oceans will rise even faster than forecast, and rising surface air temperatures appear to

be to blame, the researchers report in Friday's issue of the journal Science. Between 1996 and 2006,

the amount of water lost from Greenland's ice sheet has more than doubled from 90 cubic

kilometers to 220 cubic kilometers a year. Over the last 20 years, the air temperature in southeast

Greenland has risen by 5.4 degrees F.'

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