bottom, but the joke will be on them. They are being used, but given the strength and size of their call to the Service-

to-Self aliens in attendance, such a situation as the Chupacabras can occur.

However, as the Chupacabras are of alien origin, restrictions still apply. Unless a human gives permission, in essence

acquiescing, an attack against a human cannot occur. This ties up considerable Service-to-Self resources, as where the

Chupacabras are residing in 3rd Density, their Service-to-Self alien handlers must likewise linger about to reign them

in now and then, albeit with a leash invisible to humans. These handlers, most often the alien life form known as Dino,

have also been sighted by humans during tense moments when the normal admonishments to leave alien sightings only

in the subconscious has taken second place to attending to the athletic Chupacabras. Were it not for these restrictions

such ploys would be endlessly used by the Service-to-Self, who have no sense of fair play.

The Chupacabras, when they die, are retrieved and removed, as a terrifying myth loses it's magic when a dead body

can be kicked and dissected. But more importantly, a dead Chupacabras would be identified as not of this Earth,

potentially, and this removes the Element of Doubt. Thus, the Council of Worlds has ruled that they are not to be left

about, for this conclusion to be arrived at, as this would tip the balance of power potentially into the Service- to-Self

camps. Like rumors of mass landings, which will not occur nor even be allowed to be staged, by aliens, such dead

bodies and the implication of harm coming from alien hands would be greatly used by Service-to-Self aliens. Thus, in

keeping the balance of influence equal, between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other, for humans still making their

3rd Density decision, this rule is enforced.

They will eventually disappear, their sightings gradually diminishing, as the Service-to-Self attending Earth have their

hands filled with other matters in their losing battle for the Continent of South America. We, the Service-to- Others

Zetas are able to tell you about this ruse on the human population, as we are discussing here not the intentions of the

Service-to-Self aliens, who have in any case been already sighted by humans, but the actions of the Chupacabras.

Thus, we have not breached the Rules of Engagement.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Massing Troops

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ZetaTalk: Massing Troops

Note: written May 15, 1996.

Humans assume, in any field of battle, that all else being equal the side with the larger army wins. For most of human

history wars were won because one general had more troops to send into battle or hack and stab and bludgeon the

other side. Whoever had men left standing when the dust settled - won. This concept gradually moved, during the last

few centuries, to the concept of superior firepower. Whoever had bullets and guns left when the dust settled - won. But

regardless of what was being counted, in human warfare, numbers mattered. Numbers are not as important in 4th

Density as they are in 3rd Density, as the battle is not won or lost on the number of soldiers in the field but on the

motivation and intensity of devotion to the cause that the sum of the numbers brings. Is it not true that a single

individual can stand against many and turn the tide? Look at Mahatma Gandhi, or Joan of Arc, or Abraham Lincoln.

Were they many? Take these individuals away and the battle might have had a different outcome.

Just so, during the Earth's Transformation, the influence that any alien group or single alien entity may have cannot be

measured in numbers. The issues are different, spiritual rather than physical. Which way the Earth goes will not be

decided based on muscles or bullets or even who may or may not be left standing. All may die but still win, or all may

live but still lose. The battle on Earth during the Transformation is for the focus, the orientation, of each formed entity.

In this a single wise and massive entity in the Service-to-Others may, disincarnate, literally influence millions.

Likewise, a thousand entities in the Service-to-Self, doing their best to sway a single human soul, may fail utterly.

Numbers mean nothing.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:01 AM]

ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent

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ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent

Note: written May 15, 1996.

Where South American is a continent targeted by those in the Service-to-Self orientation, the battle is anything but

lost. A pitched battle is in process, with a massive number of entities focused on responding to The Call from those

living there. Needless to say, the majority of entities responding to this distressed situation are in the Service-to-

Others, who are in the majority in the Universe and have the resources. This battle takes many forms, from quiet

counsel to those who have given The Call to active engagement between alien groups. Due to the requirement that all

alien encounters be recorded only in the subconscious, so as not to raise the level of anxiety on Earth at the current

time, battles between aliens in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others are not a

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