unconsciously sought, results in a human who mulls and broods about a destiny unfulfilled.[2/5/2012 11:14:06 AM]
ZetaTalk: Make a Difference
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If there are few contactees in proportion to the population in general, how is it that contactees can make a difference?
Contactees are usually singular, and act en-mass only after meeting in contact groups or bumping into each other, a
rare event. The answer lies in the history of a vision or idea, and how this can ignite action. Humans are fond of
pointing to inventors who stumbled upon a method to increase the general standard of living. Benjamin Franklin
capturing and directing electricity with a kite string. Alexander Bell calling his assistant from the next room. The
Wright brothers staying aloft in their flying machine. From this we have electric appliances in every household,
telecommunications galore, and flying on business or to visit friends or family or go on vacation an everyday affair.
Less dramatic only because it cannot be pointed to as a concrete
world and how mankind will proceed when the world starts changing during the Transformation.
Unprepared for the Transformation, mankind would react as it does today when presented with any other unknown
entity - with a mixture of fear and curiosity. In dealing with new situations, humans like all life deal first with their
fear, and only when this is placated with their curiosity. Therefore, the likely reaction by an unprepared mankind to
Transformative changes will be fear and resistance. Change is in any case resisted, and change clouded by uncertainly
is vigorously resisted. But what happens when change is anticipated, or perhaps even welcomed? Though the majority
may resist and hold back, the fact that a few move forward and embrace change is catalytic. At first only a trickle, and
then a stream, and eventually the flow undermines all resistance and the laggards are caught in the undertow. Fear can
often be translated into the statement - what will this mean? When leaders step forward and demonstrate what this
means, as a living example, that question is answered and the fear factor virtually eliminated.
This is the legacy that contactees stepping forward to embrace the Transformation leave, and the role they fill in the
main. By the way they live their lives, under public scrutiny. By the innovative solutions they place into the public
knowledge base. By the personal and professional risks they take in order to incite discussion. All these are catalytic
actions, and make a difference.[2/5/2012 11:14:06 AM]
ZetaTalk: Coordination
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Increasingly, during the Transformation, contactees are beginning to work together. They find each other not by
accident, not because they are browsing over the same books at the book store, not because they are members of the
same organization, but because they have been introduced to each other behind the scenes and have
meeting time and place. It is we, and our brethren in the Service-to-Other, who respond to The Call of many by
arranging these opportunities, which are warmly received and acted upon. These meetings result in marriages, business
arrangements, friendships, philanthropic connections, and long range planning galore.
Survival groups are very unobtrusively arranging themselves. Neighbor to neighbor talks, people meeting in their
normal association and identifying each other more so than any kind of organized activity where they answer an add
placed in the paper. They are in fact migrating to live close to each other regionally, and by this they are being guided
since often they are meeting each other as contactees. They are most often not unaware on a conscious level of why
they are making the moves that they are making. They make all manner of excuses, pick up and move, change
occupations, and find themselves in an area where they get along better with the neighbors and their particular skill set
meshes nicely. This will increasingly happen as the time arrives and even after, where those survivors will migrate
following their instincts more than anything and finding each other.[2/5/2012 11:14:07 AM]
ZetaTalk: Transformation Activities
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Humans are aware that their Earth is being visited by great numbers of aliens at this time, as the Earth's
Transformation is now. What are all these aliens doing, and who is doing what? Alien visitors are doing more than
answering The Call and conducting a genetic engineering project, they are assisting humans operating