'No. They'll merely become the goddess's servants or hand maidens.

Priestesses, as it were. They will devote their lives to her. They will be killed only if they break their vows.'

'Jesus,' Kevin breathed.

'The virgins are probably sober,' Holbrook said.

'That means--'

'We have no choice,' Holbrook said. 'We'll just have to make a run for it.' He looked at Penelope. She nodded.

They dashed between the two buildings, running toward the parking lot.

They were probably spotted, probably seen, but there were not wild screams, no hot pursuit. The virgins remained in place, holding hands, and the other bacchantes continued their revelry and their harvest festival.

They made it back to the car with no problem.

They were on the road, nearly back in town, when the building blew.

JITON Mel Scott looked around at the mounted heads on the wall, at the bodies of the doctor and the nurses on the floor. Flies had gotten hi somehow and were everywhere, buzzing, constantly buz/ing, alighting on the stinking heads and corpses, then flying annoyingly back into the air again.

Paradise wasn't supposed to be like this.

His head hurt. It had been hurting all day, like a hangover, though he had remained consistently drunk enough that he should not be suffering from a hangover. The DT's perhaps, but not a hangover.

Barbara was dead.

He had tried to fuck her back to life, had taken her first in the pussy, then up the ass, then in the mouth, but she had remained cold. He had prayed to his new god, but his god seemed to have forsaken him.

And now he was running out of wine.

The room stank and he was running out of wine.

Paradise wasn't supposed to be like this.

There were people in the church again.


To God.

Pastor Robens peeked out through the crack in the door. They had abandoned God, all of them, had forsaken Him for mat drunken diety from Greece, and now they were back.

It was too late, though.

They had abandoned God, and now God had abandoned them.

He listened to the frantic prayers, the desperate voices, and silently closed the door, locked it. He walked back to his desk and the bottle of wine. They'd been right the first time. It was the wine god whom they should be worshiping, not the Judeo-Christian deity.

He was merely the contractor who'd put up this building.

The new god was the landlord.

And rent was due.

Nick Nicholson felt himself die.

He took a couple of them with him, the assholes who wouldn't believe that there was no more Daneam, but there were twenty of them and only one of him, and they had taken him out in the end.

The moment of death itself was not painful, but it was not pleasurable either. It was not a release or a transformation. It was merely a continuation. Different. Neither worse nor better. They killed him, beat him to death, then carried him across the river to the underworld.

He stood, walked away.

There were other dead men here--and dead women and dead dogs and dead children--but he did not talk to them. He could not talk to them.

Something was wrong. He didn't know what it was, but he could sense it.

This was not where he was supposed to be. This was not the real underworld. This was a shadow of the real thing, an amateur version of a professional show.

It would not last, though. He sensed that too. It would not hold together. This would only be temporary.

He walked into a woman who had had her arms ripped off. They smacked foreheads, hard, and he wanted to apologize to her, but he could not.

He backed up, moved to the right, kept walking.

The streets were deserted, and they made it back to Holbrook's with no problem. Kevin did not know how big the explosion had been or whether the fire had spread to the warehouse, but he knew that no fire trucks had gone rushing to the scene and he considered that a good sign.

But where would they go from here? Even if they had succeeded in destroying all bottles of Daneam wine-- which he doubted--why couldn't the bacchantes just get wine from another vineyard? Hell, there were some eighty five wineries in the valley at last count. It wouldn't be that hard.

Even if that wasn't possible, even if their access to alcohol had been completely denied, that didn't mean that they'd automatically die or disappear.

They would probably just be pissed off.

And he didn't want to be here when that happened.

Holbrook parked the car in the driveway, and Kevin turned to look at the teacher. He had never much liked Holbrook, and he liked him even less now. He'd been so smug and superior when he'd lectured them about Dionysus and the maenads, when he'd bragged about belonging to his secret society, but the only plan he'd come up with had been to burn down some buildings--and he couldn't have pulled that off without Penelope.

Besides, he wanted to get into Penelope's pants.

Holbrook looked back at him, and Kevin turned away. He didn't know how he knew that, but he did. The teacher might pretend to be asexual and all business, totally above pretty concerns, but Kevin had seen the way he'd looked at Penelope back at the winery, and he knew what that look meant.

Maybe it wasn't Penelope herself. Maybe he jus wanted to know what it was like to fuck a maenad.

Either way, Kevin didn't like it.

He got out of the car. 'So was that the Ovarians' plan? he said.

'Burning down the winery?'

'Ovidians,' Holbrook said. 'And no, that was my ov idea.'

'So what do we do now?'

'I have an idea.'

'What is it?'

'You'll see.' They walked into the house, and Holbrook started down the hallway toward his basement|f 'I'll be back in a minute!' he called.

Kevin looked at Penelope. 'You think we accomplished! anything?'

'I don't know.'

'There were a hell of a lot of people there. I don't seel how we even made a dent.'

'It's not just Dionysus--Dion--that's making them this! way. It's the wine. Our wine. That's why they were shipping it out.'

'What's so special about your wine?'

'I don't know,' Penelope admitted.

They moved over to the couch, sat down. They did notl sit down next to each other, but they did not purposely sitf at opposite ends of the couch either, and Kevin was i acutely aware of the fact that their hands, resting on thej cushion, were almost touching.

He wanted to get into her pants too.

Yes, he had to admit it. He was attracted to Penelope, I and there was probably a bit of jealousy tied up with his j feelings about Holbrook.

He felt guilty about wanting hen She was Dion's; girlfriend, and even though Dion had turned into a monster god, he still owed it to his friend not to steal his] girlfriend.

Not that he could steal her. She was obviously still in love with Dion.

He looked toward Penelope, then glanced down the hallway, frowning.

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