and that I had no memory of my encounter with One’s consciousness. I tried to change back, to be a normal, bloodthirsty Mogadorian. But with One always around me, whether as a voice in my head or a vision at my side, it became impossible to assist my people in their attacks on the Loric.

As if led by some inexorable force, I became a traitor, working against my people’s efforts. I attempted to save the third Loric marked for death.

This Loric died anyway, gleefully murdered by my father right before my eyes. Despite my pathetic efforts, I failed to save him. Exposed as a traitor, I was thrown from a ravine by Ivanick, and left for dead.

In all of my electronic snooping, I haven’t been able to pinpoint any communication from my family. Maybe that’s a good thing. Something tells me that it would probably just hurt my feelings.

Obviously all official communication from the underground Mogadorian facilities are firewalled well beyond my ability to hack, but the Ashwood Estates signals weren’t too difficult to break into. One chink in the Mogadorian armor is their expectation of total obedience. But as a former suburban Mog kid I know that Mogadorian teenagers often flout their parents’ rules and use the aboveground wireless to talk about things they’re not technically supposed to.

Not that they’re that loose lipped. The cache I’ve created is mostly filled with tedious emails and chats that have nothing to do with Mogadorian secrets. But the last time I logged on, I did manage to decrypt the IM chatter of a particularly bigmouthed trueborn Mog, Arsis. Apparently, this Arsis kid was demoted from combat training to a job working as an assistant technician in the labs. Arsis is so eager for information about combat ops that all he does is whine and blab to some friend from his former unit about everything he sees and does in the lab, all in the hopes that his friend will reciprocate.

So far his friend has been mum, but I’ve managed to learn a good deal about what’s going on below Ashwood.

    Arsis: It’s so borrrring. Another hole day guarding the door to Dr. Zakos lab. Apperently they’ve got humans in their plugged into machines. I dont know if they are being tortured or what, cuz Im not even allowed inside …

Whatever sympathy I feel for Arsis is obliterated by his atrocious spelling and grammar. It’s worse than Ivan’s. I didn’t think such a thing was even possible.

Farther down in the transcript, I discover another detail.

    Arsis:… there’s only one left, and I guess he’s not even awake, just plugged into machines that drege their brains for info. Doctor Zakos thinks tech will imrpove in the next few years and they will get decent intel from their brains. Whatever. It’s been a hole week and all I get to do is clean the lab equipment.

I’ve never even heard of Dr. Zakos. I wonder if he is Dr. Anu’s successor. I wonder if there’s some connection between this “dreging” they are doing to the captive humans and the technology they used to hook me into One’s memories. I wonder—

“What you doing?”

Startled, I realize that One has curled up beside me on the bed, a cheshire grin on her face. As nonchalantly as I can manage, I click out of my program and close the laptop.

Her grin curls into a frown. “Keeping secrets now, are we?”

“We share a brain,” I say. “It’s not like I can hide anything from you, even if I want to.”

She’s quiet for a moment, no doubt processing everything I’ve just learned from my snooping.

“Answer me this,” she says.

I put my hands up. Shoot.

“If you’re so determined not to get involved, why bother digging around at all?”

It’s a good question, but I brush it off.

“Just because I’m curious doesn’t mean I can do anything.” I pick up the laptop and get off the bed. “I have to get this back to Elswit.”

I pause in the doorway. One has a pensive, inscrutable look on her face. The only thing I can read is her continued disappointment in me.

“Sorry, One,” I say, turning to go. “My answer’s still no.”


The rain finally stops in the middle of the night, so the following morning after chores, Marco, Elswit, and I head back into the village on the jeep and resume our work on the well. It’s muddy, which slows us down and complicates our work. As a result, I’m so involved in my job I don’t even notice One’s absence until I’m halfway done with the day.

I don’t have her usual chatter to help pass the rest of the time, but I’m kind of relieved she’s not around. I’m still haunted by the disappointed look on her face yesterday, and I could use a little time off from her judgment.

After work, me and Elswit make a yam mash for dinner, and then join a few of the other workers for a game of cards in the recreation tent. Around ten, I return to the hut. Marco’s already under the covers, asleep. I undress quietly and slip into my bed,

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